I checked the readme and issues and couldn't find any hints about it. If there is, please let me know, thank you.Owner scambier commented Jun 17, 2024 There isn't any shortcut set by default, it's up to the user to configure it directly in Obsidian 👍 1 scambier closed ...
Copy button for code blocks:为代码块增加一个复制按钮 Hider:隐藏字数统计、滚动栏、上边栏、侧边栏 Advanced Appearance:更好看的外观 Outliner:优化项目清单使用体验,例如 cmd + A 会选择当前项目而非全文 Collapse All:增加折叠所有文件夹的按钮 Footnote Shortcut:使用快捷键意见生成自动编号的脚注,并将光标切换...
找到全库内的失效链接、无链接的文档。 Footnote shortcut 快捷插入脚注 Global search and replace 全局替换 Image inserter 快速搜索导入 Unsplash / Pixabay / Pexels 网站的图片。 Importer 导入其他软件的笔记: Apple Notes Bear Evernote Google Keep Microsoft OneNote Notion Roam Research HTML files Markdown ...
找到全库内的失效链接、无链接的文档。 Footnote shortcut 快捷插入脚注 Global search and replace 全局替换 Image inserter 快速搜索导入 Unsplash / Pixabay / Pexels 网站的图片。 Importer 导入其他软件的笔记: Apple Notes Bear Evernote Google Keep Microsoft OneNote Notion Roam Research HTML files Markdown ...
Footnote Shortcut:快速插入脚注。 I18N:翻译其他 Obsidian 的插件。开启沉浸式翻译模式时也能用于翻译笔记。 Linter:格式验证及保存时格式化。 Local REST API:搭配纸间书摘导入读书笔记。 Omnisearch:更智能的搜索,可配合浏览器扩展或篡改猴脚本将搜索结果集成到搜索引擎中。
Admonition block-styled content for Obsidian.mdObsidian.md 的警告块样式内容 Better Word Count 下载次数:22829插件描述: Counts the words of selected text in the editor.计算编辑器中所选文本的字数。 Emoji Toolbar 下载次数:21845插件描述: Quickly search for and insert emojis into your editor.快速搜索...
Click to show unscheduled tasks (shortcut to Search view). Dates: Click to scroll to that date, drag a task on top to schedule it for that date. Quick add: To create a task, drag the + button onto a time. By default, you will create in today's Daily note, but you can pick a...
I have set a keyboard shortcut to open today’s daily note. Head to Obsidian Settings and select Hotkeys. Search for "daily" at the top. Select the + button beside Open today’s daily note and press the hotkey you want to assign. Enable a toolbar in Obsidian Although Obsidian...
You won’t be able to use Hookmark’sReveal File in Finderfeature in Obsidian. You’ll need to use Obsidian’s UI which it calls (Show in system explorer) or a custom keyboard shortcut in Obsidian. If you rename files or move them to a different vault, Obsidian links break. ...
Footnote Shortcut Makes creating footnotes in Obsidian more fun! 暂未翻译 https://github.com/MichaBrugger/obsidian-footnotes obsidian-format-code Format code blocks of various languages This plugin introduces commands to format code (internally uses prettier) 暂未翻译 https://github.com/...