使用ob过程中,我们会经常关注插件,并且调整配置插件的相关配置,在插件列表中,我们可以直接搜索对应的插件,但是在插件选项的列表没有搜索的功能,这个插件就很好的解决了这个问题,可以在已安装插件列表中直接点击跳转到插件配置页面: Icon Folder 信息 名称:obsidian-icon-folder 功能:能够为ob目录添加icon图标的插件。 应...
外挂 obsidian 简睿学堂发消息 简睿軟體频道唯一官方帐号 ️;解說文章網站: https://jdev.tw/blog/ 学建模当UP主,下班在家接单多赚点! Obsidian笔记工具由浅到深教學(106/126) 自动连播 48.7万播放简介 订阅合集 Obsidian笔记工具由浅到深教學
Export folder 导出文件的地址:window 记得把地址里面的斜杠换成反斜杠 Pandoc path 设置的是 pandoc 下载后安装的地址我用everythin 搜到地址C:\Program Files\Pandoc\pandoc.exe 改为C:/Program Files/Pandoc/pandoc.exe Pasted image 20230926173034 Pasted image 20231031152736 关闭obsidian 再打开就好了,上面没有警...
(Templater Script) 08:05 Obs129|Obsidian除了CSS片段以外的CSS进阶用法与两个CSS插件(MD Attributes and Stylist) 08:53 Obs130|用Dataviewjs将Dataview表格產生成Markdown格式并复製到剪贴簿的技巧 07:48 Obs131|Obsidian使用Dataviewjs动态查询的尝试 06:20 Obs132|标籤使用汇总与TagFolder:多重+阶层式标籤...
Obsidian is a powerful knowledge base that works on top of a local folder of plain text Markdown files. Here are 1,950 public repositories matching this topic... Language:All Sort:Most stars siyuan-note/siyuan Star23.7k A privacy-first, self-hosted, fully open source personal knowledge manag...
Create a folder named clever-search in .obsidian/plugins at your vault location Move above files into the folder you created click reload plugins at Settings - Community plugins - installed plugins and enable Clever Search FAQ Declaration In compliance with the requirements of the Obsidian developer...
Obsidian Appis apowerful knowledge basethat works on top of a local folder of plain text Markdown files. InObsidian Mind Map, making and following [[connections]] is frictionless. Tend to yournoteslike a gardener; at the end of the day, sit back and marvel at your own knowledge graph.Th...
Search and paste/transclude links to located files.Dataview / 掌控进度、内容检索 Version 0.4.10 Complex data views for the data-obsessed.2.规划与待办 Calendar / 演示Daily Note核心插件 Version 1.5.10 Calendar view of your daily notes Habit Tracker Version 1.0. 4 This plguin creates a ...
Fantasy calendars in Obsidian! 暂未翻译 https://github.com/fantasycalendar/obsidian-fantasy-calendar file-chucker File chucker Quickly move a file to a new or existing folder, then open the next file. 暂未翻译 https://github.com/kenlim/file-chucker-plugin file-explorer-markdown-ti...