首先参考官方的在当前主窗口BrowserView下给实现一遍渲染div.print元素,然后调用print-to-pdf的 ipc,但是这个 ipc 官方实现上,调用后直接打开了 PDF 文件,这样就失去了修改这个 PDF 添加大纲书签的机会。官方有没有开放 electron 主窗口的printToPDF函数接口,这个接口属于 electron 主进程,渲染进程无法访问。 这样就陷...
菜单->运行->services.msc,找到Print Spooler,启动类型改为手动,然后再启动。之后就可以导出pdf了。再...
Support print preview; Export multiple Markdown files into one PDF file; Improves default@media printcss style; Support add PDF metadata from front matter; Export internal links within file; This plugin takes a lot of work to maintain and continue adding features. If you want to fund the cont...
右键选择 Markdown PDF - Export (pdf) 即可导出 PDF 文件。 需要注意,VSCode 中安装的其他插件可能会影响预览显示效果,若预览效果与生成 PDF 中效果不一致,请检查是否有插件影响。 Obsidian 下载Release,将 lapis-cv-obsidian 目录作为 Vault 在 Obsidian 打开,编辑 template 并导出 PDF 文件即可。 格式 一级...
Share, download and print free sheet music of PurpleObsidian with the world's largest community of sheet music creators, composers, performers, music teachers, students, beginners, artists, and other musicians with over 1,500,000 digital sheet music to p
(new_dir) #print('rename from %s to %s' % (orig_path, dest_path)) try: shutil.move(orig_path, dest_path) except: print('failed to move %s!!!' % orig_path) output = '' % dest_path if image_description: output += '\n' + image_description return output def process...
(new_dir) #print('rename from %s to %s' % (orig_path, dest_path)) try: shutil.move(orig_path, dest_path) except: print('failed to move %s!!!' % orig_path) output = '' % dest_path if image_description: output += '\n' + image_description return output def process...
Watermarked PDF $11.99 Rule System Pathfinder OGL 1E Page Count 200 Added to Catalog 12/27/13 description A dark star fell from the sky bringing with it the end of all things! The sanctity of the world known as Abaddon was shattered when a global apocalyptic event of a meteor impacting ...
PDF files: pdfAccepted file formats - Obsidian Help 2.9 obsidian 核心-常用快捷键 Cmd+o 打开最近文档Cmd 或者 ctrl+p 打开命令ctrl+shift+F 搜索功能ctrl+;Ctrl+B 加粗Ctrl+i 倾斜Ctrl+l 获得任务Ctrl+shift+ictrl+D 撤回一整行ctrl+u 点几下u就会回到开头ctrl+G 打开图形ctrl+【or】可以改变编号 ...
可以实现类似`3 / 5`页码效果。详见[`<webview>.printToPDF(options)`](https://www.electronjs.org/docs/latest/api/webview-tag#webviewprinttopdfoptions)。 ###导出预览  ###导出效果  ...