将html 以<webview src="file:///path/to/xxx.html"引入主界面; 调用webview.printToPDF完成打印; 根据锚点信息,对导出的 PDF 文件中标题进行定位; 添加标题的大纲书签。 至此完成了基本功能的编写。 其他尝试 在实现插件过程中,了解到了pagedjs、vivliostyle.js等相关的 html 输出 PDF 方案,相关样例看上去...
菜单->运行->services.msc,找到Print Spooler,启动类型改为手动,然后再启动。之后就可以导出pdf了。再...
Support print preview; Export multiple Markdown files into one PDF file; Improves default@media printcss style; Support add PDF metadata from front matter; Export internal links within file; This plugin takes a lot of work to maintain and continue adding features. If you want to fund the cont...
Print to PDF By default, if you print a document the styling is not applied to it. You can enable it in the settings. By default, the light colors are used for printing, but if you want to force the dark colors, you can enable the second toggle. ...
(new_dir) #print('rename from %s to %s' % (orig_path, dest_path)) try: shutil.move(orig_path, dest_path) except: print('failed to move %s!!!' % orig_path) output = '![](%s)' % dest_path if image_description: output += '\n' + image_description return output def process...
(new_dir) #print('rename from %s to %s' % (orig_path, dest_path)) try: shutil.move(orig_path, dest_path) except: print('failed to move %s!!!' % orig_path) output = '![](%s)' % dest_path if image_description: output += '\n' + image_description return output def process...
pdf comes fully bookmarked and in full color, but isrelativelyprinter-friendly when printed out in b/w. If you somehow can get your hands on the color exclusive version from the KS, DO SO. Seriously, I got both the full color and b/w print version and the former is just...beautiful...
PDF files: pdfAccepted file formats - Obsidian Help 2.9 obsidian 核心-常用快捷键 Cmd+o 打开最近文档Cmd 或者 ctrl+p 打开命令ctrl+shift+F 搜索功能ctrl+;Ctrl+B 加粗Ctrl+i 倾斜Ctrl+l 获得任务Ctrl+shift+ictrl+D 撤回一整行ctrl+u 点几下u就会回到开头ctrl+G 打开图形ctrl+【or】可以改变编号 没...
另外还有一些将网页保存为 PDF 格式的插件:PDF Saver、Print Friendly & PDF、Save Webpage As PDF,以及SingleFile(将一个完整的页面保存到单个 HTML 文件中,而不是包含 html 和众多图片的文件夹)。 最后是我常用的 2 个插件:暴力猴和电子书全网搜。 暴力猴是一个开源的用户脚本管理器,里面有众多具有神奇功能的...
可以实现类似`3 / 5`页码效果。详见[`<webview>.printToPDF(options)`](https://www.electronjs.org/docs/latest/api/webview-tag#webviewprinttopdfoptions)。 ###导出预览 ![Export preview](./assets/preview0.png) ###导出效果 ![Export preview](./assets/preview1.png) ...