如上图所示,我会使用 Media Extended 和 Media Extended Bilibili Plugin,将笔记和视频界面并列来学习其他 UP 主的视频。(如果这个插件无法正常启动,请先关闭 Annotator 这个插件,重启 Obsidian,再尝试启用。) 具体而言,通过内嵌的视频窗口,以及点击即可回溯的时间节点,能让我在复习这段话术时,更直观且更深刻地去学习...
自动化上传图片到图床,需要用到一个开源软件PicGo。此外,Obsidian需要一个插件Image auto upload plugin。 具体教程可参见网上: picgo使用七牛云图床 - 知乎 (zhihu.com) 博客发布# 目前我使用博客园,感觉传Markdown博客基本够用,而且广告基本没有,有人说博客园界面太简陋,我这里有一个不错的主题推荐一下:Silence ...
.setValue(this.plugin.settings.apiKey) .onChange(async(value) => { this.plugin.settings.apiKey = value; awaitthis.plugin.saveSettings(); })); 至此,我们就可以在 Obsidian 使用命令面板来调用插件,自动处理文本了。 引用链接 [1]Obsidian PLugin:https://docs./Plugins/Getting+started/Build+a+plugin...
The plugin integrates Excalidraw seamlessly into Obsidian, including Command Palette actions, File Explorer features, Option Menu commands, and the Ribbon Button. CTRL/CMD+Clickon the ribbon button or in the file explorer to create / open drawings in a new pane. ...
下载| obsidian-todoist插件:https://github.com/jamiebrynes7/obsidian-todoist-plugin 下载| Todoist-win10:https://todoist.com/zh-CN/downloads/windows 安装Todoist - Edge浏览器插件:https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/microsoft-edge%E7%89%88todoist/fgcjgjggdkjmafpnbcplcdkbfogcbonk 同类...
无意中看到了obsidian中的Todoist plugin插件,在这里简单了解一下。 Todoist界面 内容提要 Todoist 简介 Todoist 是一款跨平台的云端任务清单管理(待办事项)工具,界面简洁。支持多层级的子任务、子项目、可设置项目优先级,支持共享与协作以及实时数据同步等等。基本功能是免费的,高级功能需要付费。
Groups are so helpful! I'm collecting feedback on a short story from my critique group, and I've been able to group individual comments by theme and difficulty rating, each with their own block references back to the original text. I feel like this plugin gets better every day!
OUTPUT_DIR=<vaultpath>/.obsidian/plugins/obsidian-custom-js npm run dev See also: Obsidian development guide:https://docs.obsidian.md/Plugins/Getting+started/Build+a+plugin Hot reloading plugin:https://docs.obsidian.md/Plugins/Getting+started/Development+workflow...
Groups are so helpful! I'm collecting feedback on a short story from my critique group, and I've been able to group individual comments by theme and difficulty rating, each with their own block references back to the original text. I feel like this plugin gets better every day!
Obsidian is a highly customizable, flexible note taking app that puts you in the driver’s seat. But it’s easy to feel pressure to maximize, to use every last feature and customization and plugin available.But just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you should. It’s okay to ...