插件Open files with commands支持通过「命令行」(CMD+P)打开一个文件,在某些场景下会比较高效。例如我通过配置好的命令,可以快速打开 HomePage 的 两个文件: 打开后效果如图: Open In New Tab Open In New Tab插件可以在文件资源管理器中,打开所有文件到一个新的标签页中,避免了频繁切换标签页的麻烦。如果文件...
When you click theOpen in new tabbutton in the context menu, the tab is placed at the start of the tab list (right after the Vault Explorer tab), instead of at the end. Expected behavior The tab should be placed at the end of the open tab list. That would match how Obsidian native...
Up to now, this plugin has been relatively perfect, when clicking links from File Explorer and the editor, they all open in a new tab. However, from the point of view of usage habits, in order to maintain the uniformity of experience, wh...
Homepage Open a specified note on startup. homepage - 0.3.2 https://novov.me Hotkey Helper Easily see and access any plugin's settings or hotkey assignments (and conflicts) from the Community Plugins tab hotkey-helper - 0.3.7 https://github.com/pjeby Hotkeys++ Additional hotkeys to ...
Paste the snapshot in the original note, or in a new note if you want to compare them. Clear snapshot history Caution:Clearing the snapshot history irreversibly deletes all snapshots in your vault. OpenSettings. In the sidebar,click File recoveryunderPlugin options. ...
DEVONlinkOpen or reveal the current note in DEVONthink.打开或揭示Devonthink中的当前音符。DEVONlink-obsidian.zipDEVONlink-obsidian2.2.1 Discordian ThemeDiscordian plugin for tweaking Discordian themeDisdordian插件用于调整迪斯东主题discordian-plugin.zipdiscordian-plugin0.7.1 ...
Open random notes with greater control 以更好的控制打开随机音符 Obsidian Tabs 下载次数:4947插件描述: New panes are opened in a tabbed view. 新窗格在选项卡式视图中打开。 Table of Contents 下载次数:4911插件描述: Create a table of contents for a note. ...
An Obsidian plugin for day planning and managing pomodoro timers from a task list in a Markdown note.一个 Obsidian 插件,用于从 Markdown 笔记中的任务列表中规划和管理番茄钟计时器。 Natural Language Dates 下载次数:33028插件描述: Create date-links based on natural language基于自然语言创建日期链接 ...
TheMononote pluginsolves this problem by automatically switching to the open tab whenever I try to open a currently opened note in a new tab. It makes sure that I only ever have one version of the file open at a time, and helps keep my tabs a bit more manageable. ...
Right-click the note you want to share. SelectCopy Shared Link. A new browser tab will open as Share Note initializes. Allow the prompt to open Obsidian. This step will only be necessary once. Share Note will upload your note and provide a notification once it’s complete. ...