这里面的关键就是task,list,table三个展示方法的对象都是"file",你可以理解任务描述即 task description是file子对象task的一个text属性,如果表示为 file.task.text这样更清晰一点,我们需要用contains 或includes函数来判断 text里是否包含“重要”这个关键词就可以了。如果搞明白它的语法逻辑,整个类SQL还是js块代码还...
使用API 的方式,我们同样需要从file.inlinks和file.outlinks中获取链接信息——只不过我们通过dv.list()和dv.table()显示结果时,嵌入的图片不再是显示成纯文本,而是渲染成了图片。 ```dataviewjs const pages = dv.pages('"测试链接.md"') dv.list(pages.map(p => p.file.outlinks)[0]) ``` 上面代...
table length(rows) as 笔记数量 from "10 - 文献笔记" or "20 - 永久笔记" limit 100 group by area as 领域 sort length(rows) desc 最近20 条永久笔记 table area as 领域, create as 创建时间 from "20 - 永久笔记" sort create desc limit 20 根据领域建立 MOC list from "10 - 文献笔记" or...
简单的查询语法如下: ```dataview // dataview 不能缺,缺了识别不了 [list|table|task] field1, (field2 + field3) as myfield, ..., fieldN // 可以选择 list 或 table 或 task 三种视图,选择 table 时可以填写每列也就是 field 的名称,field 需出现在正常显示的笔记的 Front Matter 区域。 from...
Notion supports a ‘/’ command to add different blocks, multiple databases like Table, List, Board, Gallery, and more, several automation tools to boost productivity, and integration with third-party services. Templates is where Notion truly shines over Obsidian. Whether you want to manage a pr...
A Obsidian Plugin. You can flexibility to create a 'Block' by some means. It also provides some useful features, likelist to table. 一个Obsidain插件。您可以通过某种方式灵活地创建一个“块”。它还提供了一些有用的功能,如“列表转表格”。
Day Planner Day planning from a task list in a Markdown note with enhanced time block functionality. Review Add a link to the current note to a daily note on a future date (or a past date, you time traveller). Hider Hide UI elements such as tooltips, status, titlebar and more. Minim...
Various ways of displaying data, including list, table, and task view Cons Complex commands with no accessible commands list No GUI (code only) 5. Editor Syntax Highlight Does Obsidian’s regular syntax feel bland?Editor Syntax Highlightby deathau helps you see your code much more clearly. ...
Automatic table of contents 通过快捷命令,在当前文档页面的任意处,插入目录层级(且随时更新) style: nestedOrderedList includeLinks: true style: nestedList(圆点排序,默认,无需特别注释) style: nestedOrderedList(数字排序) minLevel/maxLevel(是否包含子层级) ...
威廉:巧用Obsidin解决思维导图软件的双向链块引用的痛点 威廉:Obsidian 插件怎么用?(third-praty ...