3.12 Auto link title 插件 -黏贴网址带网页标题 直接安装 3.13 annotator 插件-阅读 pdf 及 epub annotation-target 的文档属性加入就行 3.14 Easy Typing 插件-便捷的编辑 Pasted image 20231004163006 README_ZH.md 教程更全 增强编辑:符号自动配对功能:让你快速的形成双联,两个左括号,就能完成 [[]]删除一个...
``` # The source path of your banner image, can be a URL or an internal link to an image. # NOTE: Make sure it's wrapped in quotes to avoid parsing errors, such as "![[file]]" banner: string # The banner's center position. A number between 0-1 banner_x: number banner_y: ...
To create an image link, enclose the image file name orURL in double square brackets, like `[[image.jpg]]`. When clicked, this link will open the image in a separate window or navigate to the linked note. 6. Image Optimization: If you want to optimize your image for web use, ...
33.obsidian-copy-block-link GitHub - mgmeyers/obsidian-copy-block-link: Get links to blocks and headings from Obsidian's right click menu. 我们平时引用块内容时,一般是输入关键字来匹配,如果关键词匹配的块有多个时,要再次选择会相对麻烦一点。而这个插件实现了在右键菜单中集成快速生成引用的块链接的功能...
修改嵌入代码为:<iframe src="**http:**//[http://player.bilibili.com/player.html...](https://link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//player.bilibili.com/player.html...)." scrolling="no" border="0" frameborder="no" framespacing="0" allowfullscreen="true"> </iframe> ...
url = link[0] headers = { 'Connection': 'close', 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/105.0.1343.42' } response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) ...
image.png 另外,还需要设置一下元信息,防止游客用户能够查看到我们的笔记,将密码设置的复杂一些即可,...
! [[image.jpg|This is a caption with [a link to Obsidian](https://)]] # 文件名 ![[image.jpg|%]] ![[image.jpg|\%]] Auto Link Title 这也是一个很好用的插件,当你粘贴网址的时候,他会自动把网址变成 Markdown 的超链接格式,并且自动获取网址的 Title 作为链接的名称。
You might not want to see your Obsidian images tied to Imgur account. For this case there is an 'Anonymous Imgur upload' option. FAQ Q:How secure this approach is? A:Nobody sees your uploaded image unless you share a link or someone magically guesses an URL to your image. ...
while it is possible to drag and drop images from the web, they won’t actually appear in your notes if you use this method. Instead of an image, you’ll see a link to the photo on the internet. If you want the actual image to appear, you’ll need to download it to your system...