export type ArrayFunc<T, O> = (elem: T, index: number, arr: T[]) => O; export type ArrayComparator<T> = (a: T, b: T) => number; export interface DataArray<T> { length: number; where(predicate: ArrayFunc<T, boolean>): DataArray<T>; filter(predicate: ArrayFunc<T, boolean...
This theme modifies significant parts of the Obsidian interface, so it may break with future updates. It may also be incompatible with other bits of custom CSS you have.About A distraction-free and highly customizable theme for Obsidian. minimal.guide Topics theme light-theme dark-theme ...
/* @settingsname: Your Section Name Hereid: a-unique-idsettings:-id: my-titletitle: My Settingstype: headinglevel: 3-id: accenttitle: Accent Colortype: variable-colorformat: hsl-splitdefault: '#007AFF'-id: texttitle: UI fontdescription: Font used for the user interfacetype: variable-text...
The command line interface facilitate a faster workflow. 该插件为 Markdown 提供了一个简单的编辑器,此外还有一个命令行界面。命令行界面有助于加快工作流程。 https://github.com/Reocin/obsidian-markdown-formatting-assistant-plugin obsidian-markdown-furigana Markdown Furigana Simple Markdown to ...
The interface is more appealing to me. I wanted something that resembled Evernote - a bunch of nested folders where I could categorize my notes. Obsidian delivers precisely that. However, if you're used to a different interface, Logseq might actually look better for you (it looks more like...
(a) is included in the normal form of packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an implementation is available to the public in ...
Focus Mode Add a toggle to hide interface elements so you can focus on your note. Underline Add underline with shortcut. Clear Unused Images Clear the images that you are not using anymore in your Markdown notes to save space. Markdown Furigana Display furigana using Markdown syntax. 2Hop ...
Template for new drawings. The template will restore stroke properties. This means you can set up defaults in your template for stroke color, stroke width, opacity, font family, font size, fill style, stroke style, etc. This also applies to ExcalidrawAutomate. With versions 1.6.13 or higher...
interface SelectFieldSchema<T> { label: string; path: string; type: "select"; options: { text: string; value: string }[]; when?: ConditionType; when?: ConditionType<T>; desc?: string; } export type FieldSchema = BaseFieldSchema | SelectFieldSchema; export type FormSchema = FieldSchema[...
Typewriter Scroll Obsidian Plugin by deathau, the integrations enables/disables the typewriter interface when entering/leaving zen-mode. Screenshots Enable/Disable Zen Options - Highlights Sometimes those names can be quite convoluted, hold the eye button next to the toggle to get a glimpse of which...