需要先打开 设置->核心插件->模版的开关,在设置界面才可以看到模版的相关设置。 在工作仓库内新建存放模版的文件夹,例如templates。在文件夹下新建特殊用途的模版块,例如用于hugo文章的元数据块。在模版块中可以使用某些关键字替代,插入时实时生成对应信息。 打开一篇笔记,将光标停留在需要插入模版块的位置,在左边栏...
{mode: "templater", theme: "obsidian", lineWrapping: true, styleActiveLine: true, configureMouse: ƒ, …}state: {keyMaps: Array(1), overlays: Array(1), modeGen: 4, overwrite: false, delayingBlurEvent: false, …}_handlers: {beforeSelectionChange: Array(1), gutterClick: Array(1), ...
插件太多,看心情汉化🤣🤣🤣 说明:本项目里所有插件都是由 “宏沉一笑” 整理好的,原项目地址:https://gitee.com/whghcyx/obsidian-plugin,我只是搬运下来作汉化(机翻)处理。如果有个别插件没有需要汉化或本就是中文的,只要在清单里的,遇到了将会只汉化名称和说明或直接移入“已汉化插件” 本项目已收集插...
obcommand editor:insert-link obcommand editor:toggle-comment obcommand app:go-back obcommand workspace:split-vertical And many more. WARNING: this is not a formal API that Obsidian provides and is done in a rather hacky manner. It's definitely possible that some future version of Obsidian will...
a current date. When you already have some templates, you can run the "Insert template" command and choose a template from the list. The plugin prefills the current note with the selected template. Here is an example of my "Talk" template that I use when I start working on a new conf...
Add hotkeys to insert specific templates 添加热键以插入特定模板 https://github.com/Vinzent03/obsidian-hotkeys-for-templates obsidian-hover-editor Hover Editor Transform the Page Preview hover popover into a fully working editor instance 暂未翻译 https://github.com/nothingislost/obsidian...
Templater 下载次数:47562插件描述: Create and use templates 创建和使用模板 Dataview 下载次数:45908插件描述: Advanced queries over your vault for the data-obsessed. 对您的保管库进行高级查询,以了解数据痴迷者。 Mind Map 下载次数:41970插件描述: ...
Automatically search and insert citations from a Zotero library自动从 Zotero 库中搜索和插入引文 Find unlinked files 下载次数:15783插件描述: Find files that are not linked anywhere and would otherwise be lost in your vault查找未在任何位置链接的文件,否则会丢失在您的 Vault 中 ...
Whether you want to manage projects or create a finance tracker, subscription tracker, digital journal, or book tracker, you won’t have a hard time finding a relevant template. Related I created the perfect life planner in Notion so that you don’t have to Obsessed with organization?
Via the template you can customize the color palette used by Excalidraw. Switch to Markdown view. Scroll down to the bottom of the file and find"AppState": {. Find"customColorPalette": {at the end of the AppState section. You may specify the 3 palettes used in Excalidraw by adding any...