.internal-embed.media-embed.image-embed.is-loaded[alt]::after { content: attr(alt);text-align: center; color: var(--text-accent); display: block;margin-bottom: 1.5em; } 图片描述中以&开头的内容会被显示在图片下方--代码块: .internal-embed.media-embed.image-embed.is-loaded[alt^="&"]:...
[!Tip] 如果在 Mac 中发现图片并没有成功显示,控制台报 net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND 错误。正确的使用姿势是在原有的路径上添加 file:/// 前缀,即:<img src="file://${basePath}/${attachments}/${image}" />。 下面我们再看一个复杂的进度条案例。 查询项目数据,并对每个目标及包含的项目的完成情况进...
.internal-embed.media-embed.image-embed.is-loaded[alt]::after{content:attr(alt);text-align: center;color:var(--text-accent);display: block;margin-bottom:1.5em;} 图片描述中以&开头的内容会被显示在图片下方--代码块: .internal-embed.media-embed.image-embed.is-loaded[alt^='&']::after{conten...
To align an image to the right, add `![[image.jpg|right]]` in the note. Similarly, you can use `|left` or `|center` for left-aligned or centered images, respectively. 4. Image Captioning: Obsidian Image Toolkit allows you to add captions to your images, making it easier to refer ...
align-items: center; border-radius: 4px; } .themed-color-wrapper > div + div { margin-top: 6px; } .themed-color-wrapper button { display: block; } .themed-color-wrapper .pickr-reset > button { margin: 0 0 0 10px; padding: 9px; line-height: 1; } .themed-color-wrapper .pickr...
This adds support for inline images in edit mode, similar to Ozan's Image in Editor plugin. The main difference with this implementation is that it renders the image inline, and hides the source text. When clicking on the image, the image will collapse back down to its source text. ...
(--b3-border-color); text-align: center; } .protyle-wysiwyg table tbody tr td { background-color: var(--b3-theme-background); } /* 引用块悬浮窗口*/ .block__popover>.block__icons>.resize__move { box-shadow: none !important; display: table-header-group; } .resize__t { height:...
(5)) / 2 $ #let count = 10 #let nums = range(1, count + 1) #let fib(n) = ( if n <= 2 { 1 } else { fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2) } ) The first #count numbers of the sequence are: #align(center, table( columns: count, ..nums.map(n => $F_#n$), ..nums....
长期用起来我的感觉就是,Obsidian 的笔记存储基于文件系统,要用 front-matter 来记录笔记的信息,但...
<div style="background-image:url(https://w.wallhaven.cc/full/vq/wallhaven-vqgzql.png);border-radius:10px;width:49%;color:HotPink ;background-size:100% 100%;text-align:center;height:155px;font-size:20px;border-style:outset;line-height:1"> ...