(火箭君评价:Obsidian 画布的确更适合网状图,这也是 Graph 的另一个版本。用户可以添加更多修饰,聚焦在少数相关的内容笔记上。Graph 则更像一个全体的指引地图。Canvas 可以承载更多的特定目的和式样。而且,Canvas 不受限于脑图那样的树状结构,可以任意关联。缺点是:可能会很乱,如果用户没有良好排版技巧的话。) curio...
Obsidian有两个对我吸引力很强的地方,一是基于笔记的知识图谱(knowledge graph),另一个是AI插件。G...
Obsidian has a similar interface to Notion, with a blank page on the left and the options on your right. But the learning curve is slightly steeper since there is no onboarding, and the graph view is complex to understand at first glance. ...
The productivity market is booming these days. On one side we have modular solutions likeNotion, Airtable, and Coda. On the other hand, startups like Roam Research and Obsidian are exploring the second digital brain concept with graphs and backlinking notes. Among them, both Notion and Obsidia...
Compared to Notion, Obsidian may feel basic at first glance. But for personal use, it comes with ample features to replace any Notion setup. You can use a split view to open a couple of files simultaneously for multitasking. It also gives you the ability to connect notes, a graph ...
In return, markdown language gives you the flexibility of using any text editor to view your notes, something that’s not possible with OneNote, Evernote, and Notion. Obsidian has a passionate community that has developed hundreds of plugins to extend your vault’s functionality. You can ...
electronwindowsmacoslinuxnotebookknowledge-graphtiddlywikinote-takingevernoteankitiddlywiki5backlinksobsidianall-in-onepkmnotionknowledge-managementnotes-appzettelkastenlocal-first UpdatedDec 17, 2024 TypeScript st3v3nmw/obsidian-spaced-repetition Star1.7k ...
2. graph并不仅仅是一个呈现,ob的图谱之所以能够自然的做出来,是基于ob对知识的结构化理解和独特的组织方式,我以图谱切入又只是为了说这一个图形吗?ob的作为工具的“原则”被滥用了而已,正如被吹上天的ZK卡片一样。 1 kosette回复 屋边星光 2022/04/21 14:59 我的意思是ob容易将知识结构化的整理成一本词典...
但随着 Obsidian 在 2020 年下释出 v0.9.8 版本(该版本增加了官方支持的第三方插件市场)同时 Notion 出现了北墙风波后,我开始在 Obsidian 上投入时间精力(趁着它还比较简单的时候入手,及时适应以后更新带来的笔记方法上的变化)。 在深度使用后,我隐约觉得,当你把 Obsidian 简单看成支持双向链接的 markdown 编辑...
前身是作者的另一款插件Neo4j Graph View(现已退役),与 Obsidian 自带的关系图谱插件区别在于提供 4 种不同的关系图谱布局,不止可以使用样式窗格来调整节点的颜色、形状、大小和图标,还可以在连接线上标注。不过还处在开发阶段,超过 250 个笔记就会很卡,甚至是直接卡死。可以和自带的关系图谱搭配使用,4 种不同的...