•Dropbox •Google Drive •iCloud Drive * •OneDrive •Syncthing •坚果云 •百度网盘 •阿里云盘 •腾讯微云 •夸克网盘 •巴别鸟 使用多个同步服务(例如 Obsidian 官方同步和 iCloud 等)可能会导致数据丢失、损坏以及其他问题。 建议大家使用一种同步服务,或者做好备份。 Github 我这里着重讲...
此工具可帮助您创建新笔记并将其链接插入画布。让您通过“拖放” 在Obsidian Canvas和obsidian-excalidraw-plugin上快速构建可视化笔记。 Image Captions 可以使用如下格式为图片增加标题: ![[image.jpg|This is a caption|150]] ! [This is a caption|150](image.jpg) ! [[image.jpg|This is a caption with*...
此工具可帮助您创建新笔记并将其链接插入画布。让您通过“拖放” 在Obsidian Canvas和obsidian-excalidraw-plugin上快速构建可视化笔记。 Image Captions 可以使用如下格式为图片增加标题: ![[image.jpg|This is a caption|150]] ! [This is a caption|150](image.jpg) ! [[image.jpg|This is a caption with*...
The Obsidian Google Drive Sync Plugin is a plugin that allows you to seamlessly sync your notes across devices with Google Drive. It is a free alternative to the paid Obsidian Sync service. With just a few simple steps, you can enable auto sync and enjoy the convenience of accessing your ...
Kanbanote 筆記看板管理法 Google Drive 變身 Trello !幫雲端硬碟建立專案看板 但是,我自己也一直使用著 Trello ,卻還沒有在電腦玩物上寫過一篇完整的介紹!雖然錯過了幾年前第一時間推薦 Trello 的時機,但在這段時間的使用經驗下,剛好可以讓我整理沉澱自己的使用方法,歸納出「 為什麼值得試試看 Trello 的關鍵特色...
sync notes across devices in Obsidian via Google Drive - obsidian-gdrive-sync/main.ts at master · beliaev-maksim/obsidian-gdrive-sync
Google Drive:适合国际用户,提供稳定的跨设备同步服务。 3. 私有化同步工具 对于注重数据安全和隐私的用户,可以选择以下私有化同步工具: Syncthing:开源工具,支持局域网或互联网环境下的文件同步,适合技术用户。 Resilio Sync:基于 P2P 的文件同步工具,通过加密方式实现高效、安全的同步。
If you have multiple devices, don’t want to try the Obsidian Git plugin, you can test using git to sync to your mobile devices by installingWorking Copyon your iOS devices and installingmgiton Android devices. Users have reported the mgit app on Google Play as not working and suggest inst...
Obsidian就更简单了,在第三方插件中,找到Image auto upload plugin,下载并安装,点击启用,即可。(推荐看Syed-Wang 的教程) image-20240217132609654 保持剪切板自动上传,都打开。这样你在Obsidian和Typora中粘贴图像时,都会自动提升已经先把图片上传,保留在本地文件里的,都是链接。
Notion integrates with Canva, Asana, Figma, Google Drive, and many other popular apps. It works with 90% of the apps you would likely want it to. Obsidian has plugins that are offered by the community. There are over 1,000, and, if you are technical, you could create any you need ...