The git implementation on mobile isvery unstable! The mobile version is supported byisomorphic-git, which is a re-implementation of Git in JavaScript, because you cannot use native Git on Android or iOS. SSH authentication is not supported (isomorphic-git issue) ...
Depending on your device and available free RAM, Obsidian may crash on clone/pull create buffer overflow errors run indefinitely. It's caused by the underlying git implementation on mobile, which is not efficient. I don't know how to fix this. If that's the case for you, I have to adm...
I'm using termux on Android. Maybe there is a gateway to send shell commands to termux? I don't have access to Obsidian mobile so I currently use Markor when I want to do some writing on the phone. 👍 12 This ...
利用Obsidian 来学编程其实是有一些前置条件的,你至少要知道什么是 Nodejs 、什么是 Git 以及什么是命令行界面,当然,可能还要有一定的英文阅读能力——至少需要将官方 Obsidian Sample Plugin 库的 README 以及对应的注释看明白才行。 这里假设你对怎么下载Node.js是明白的,而且也已经安装好了Git程序(当然,你也可以...
3. 选择 "On My iPhone"/"Obsidian"/"my-docs",点击 "Done": 此时界面如下: 4. 点击 "Repository",配置远程仓库信息: 这里有两个地方需要配置: Configuration: 使用[[#Working Copy 配置 github 权限]]中添加的用户。 点击Add Remote,将远程仓库地址 复制到URL中,点击Te...
Integrate Git version control with automatic backup and other advanced features in - Issues · Vinzent03/obsidian-git
I think the issue was occurring after I upgraded on mobile from obsidian-git 2.0.x to 2.1.x, but hadn't explicitly reloaded or upgraded on desktop. It looks like I was able to resolve the issue by upgrading obsidian-git to 2.1.x on desktop, but I imagine simply restarting would ...
Or, provide full custom URL (e.g above: Open file explorer tab in obsdian -> right click on file -> Copy git path Paste the link to browser and access the fileWhyI find it inconvinient to access obsidian files from other ...
Minimal is anObsidiantheme for desktop, mobile and tablet. Customize colors, fonts and more with the companion pluginsMinimal Theme SettingsandHider. Winner of Obsidian's officialBest Theme award✨ Support development:follow meorbuy me a coffee ...
to cookies, cross-origin resource sharing, and so on. This means that a lot of sites won't work there, especially ones that you have to log in to. However, when you create a frame, you can toggle the "Disable on Mobile" option to hide a Desktop-only frame in Obsidian mobile. ...