1. 选择社区插件(Community plugins) 2. 这个时候,就会出现各种插件了(plugins) 3. 选择一个插件,点击安装(install) 4. 安装的时候,右上角会弹出显示: 5. 安装成功了还不算完成,还需要启用你的插件 ]当你的**启用**变为禁用之后,说明你的插件开始运作了 6. 仔细阅读插件的使用手则(英文有点不友好),然后...
Also experiencing this: "Failed to load plugin dataview". iOS version: 16.3.1 Plugin version: 0.5.58 App version: 1.4.8 (107), API v1.3.7 Removed and re-installed plugin via Community plugins menu in app, issue persists. AB1908 commentedon Sep 20, 2023 ...
Community theme: Things v2.1.15 Snippets enabled: 1 Restricted mode: off Plugins installed: 13 Plugins enabled: 5 1: Advanced Tables v0.20.0 2: Style Settings v1.0.7 3: Hider v1.3.1 4: Dataview v0.5.64 5: Image Captions v1.1.0 Describe the bug Unable to load obsidian excalidraw plu...
- Customizable toolbar - Pull down quick actions - Graph view - Community plugins - Themes - Sidebar pinning for tablet - iCloud vaults What’s New Version History 31 Jan 2025 Version 1.8.4 - Includes all new functionality and bug fixes up to Obsidian Desktop v1.8.4. ...
3. 开始使用吧👐!(已提交Community Plugins,敬请期待一键安装 ) 3.1 开箱即用 Releases下载MantouAI-v0.1.zip 放到Obsidian Vault的plugins文件夹,解压缩 重新打开Obsidian,加载MantouAI 加载MantouAI 根据教程,免费申请阿里Dashscope账号和api key 配置你的key ...
- Community plugins - Themes - Sidebar pinning for tablet - iCloud vaults 新內容 2025年2月18日 版本1.8.7 - Includes all new functionality and bug fixes up to Obsidian Desktop 1.8.7. App 隱私權 開發者「Dynalist Inc.」指出 App 的隱私權實務可能包含下方描述的資料處理。如需更多資訊,請參閱開...
Community theme: none Snippets enabled: 0 Restricted mode: off Plugins installed: 1 Plugins enabled: 0 RECOMMENDATIONS: none From me: Matepad 11 (2021) resolution 2560:1600(16:10) Describe the bug After one of the latest updates excalidraw stopped turning on on my tablet. ...
Have you tried reloading the plugin? Turn it off and on again in Community Plugins If better-sqlite is installed, Obsidian should crash immediately and you might get the same errors as me To fully reproduce reinstall of better-sqlite, be sure to delete any existing.nodefiles at~/Library/Appl...
Testing settings port over tollama2-uncensored& reindexing ... 👀 It worked this time ((B)) ((B)) Initial start-up always fails and errors only resolve after toggling Settings > Community Plugins > Smart Second Brain > Embedding Model. It doesn't matter what you toggle it to & you ...
- Check if [someone already developed a plugin for what you want](https://obsidian.md/plugins)! There might be an existing plugin similar enough that you can partner up with. - Make a copy of this repo as a template with the "Use this template" button (login to GitHub if y...