Embed Code File Embed code file from vault using code blocks. Bulk Rename Rename files based on a pattern. Agile Task Notes Import your tasks from your TFS (Azure or Jira) to take notes on them and make todo-lists! Default New Tab Page Open a note of your choice when creating a new...
obsidian-embedded-code-title - 0.5.1 https://github.com/tadashi-aikawa Embedded Note Titles Inserts the note file name as an H1 heading above each note. obsidian-embedded-note-titles - 1.0.2 https://github.com/mgmeyers/obsidian-embedded-note-titles Emoji Toolbar Quickly search for and insert...
Embed code file from vault using code blocks 暂未翻译 https://github.com/almariah/embed-code-file emoji-shortcodes Emoji Shortcodes This Plugin enables the use of Markdown Emoji Shortcodes :smile:, just like in Slack or Discord 这个插件可以使用 Markdown Emoji Shortcodes :smile:,就像在...
Obsidian plugin that allows you to make HTTP requests and display responses directly in the document, in codeblocks, or store them in localStorage. plugin api requests obsidian embed-files obsidian-plugin obsidian-md obsidianmd Updated Feb 22, 2025 TypeScript marcjulianschwarz / obsidian-file-li...
File tree alternative plugin 方便浏览器的层层打开模式,适用于需要反复编辑同一文件夹里面内容的时候。 浏览及界面增强 Force Note View Mode 我是不太习惯开两个窗口分别显示浏览模式和编辑模式的,通过在Front matter里面加一个属性,可以自动切到Preview或Source,我主要用于Dataview的页面,不过在新版本已经能直接渲染Da...
### `embed(link, [embed?])`将链接对象转换为嵌入链接。尽管 Dataview 视图对嵌入链接的支持有些参差不齐,但图像嵌入应该可以正常工作。```plaintextembed(link("Hello.png")) => 嵌入指向 "Hello.png" 图像的链接,它将渲染为实际图像。```#
embed用于判断链接是否为媒体文件嵌入,例如:meta(![[Pasted image 20240504133553.png]]).embed值为true。 subpath链接的文档中的标题名或者段落 ID,例如:[[打造极致体验笔记:Obsidian Dataview 插件使用#\meta\` 函数]].subpath的值为\`meta\` 函数。如果引用的是文档中的段落,例如:meta([[My Project#^9bcb...
Search in current file CMD+Shift+F Search in all files CMD+B Toggle bold CMD+Enter Toggle checkbox status CMD+/ Toggle comment CMD+I Toggle italics CMD+E Toggle reading view CMD+Shift+T Undo close pane Unassigned Keyboard Shortcuts BLANK Add embed BLANK Add inte...
findFilePathsAll(rootDir: string,extension: string[]=[]);findPermalinksAll(rootDir: string,extension: string[]=[]);toPermalink(filePath: string,basePath: string);fixWindowPath(filePath: string); 변경 사항 0.1.0: markdown 파일의 도메인을 구성할 스키마 구현...
site_dir- GitLab Pages requires HTML source code to be contained in apublicfolder. This setting tells MkDocs to put the generated files in thepublicfolder. docs_dir- this is the relative path to your workspace folder. I like to name minewikibecause it's my personal wikipedia. You can nam...