project太鸡肋了,相比之下,db folder却能使用js函数,但是Project甚至连倒计时都设置不了,难不成每分每秒去自己去填这个表格吗,通过yaml这种文本来定义模版,定义每一列,什么时候才能像notion那样列也有formula的属性啊 2023-10-31· 上海 回复喜欢 林学则 怎么显示图片 2023-06-19· 广东 回复喜欢...
DB Folder Folder with the capability to store and retrieve data from a folder like database. Advanced Codeblock Add additional features to code blocks. Booksidian Access your Goodreads shelves. Simple Dice Roller Simulate and average dice formulas. Camera Create and save snaps or video recordings....
await checkAndCreateFolder(folder); file = await, data); } return file; }; try { scriptFile = await download( source, scriptFile as TFile, scriptPath, ); if (!scriptFile) { setButtonText("ERROR"); throw "File not found"; } svgFile = ...