安装Update time on edit 直接就行,默认带时间。和dataview一样用dd表示日期。
5、Custom Frames 可以将外部web页面嵌入到笔记使用,如滴答清单、语雀笔记等 6、Dataview 将笔记像管理数据库一样管理 7、Excalidraw 画图工具 8、Global Hotkeys 设置全局快捷键,提高效率 9、Homepage 设置自己的个性化首页,打开笔记就是首页内容 10、Kanban 看板,直观的管理各种任务、进度 11、obsidian markmind 思...
subpath链接的文档中的标题名或者段落 ID,例如:[[打造极致体验笔记:Obsidian Dataview 插件使用#\meta\` 函数]].subpath的值为\`meta\` 函数。如果引用的是文档中的段落,例如:meta([[My Project#^9bcbe8]]).subpath则值为9 bcbe 8` type链接的类型,其值为file/header/block,分别表示链接的是文件、标题...
contains(file.frontmatter.parent, "[[" + this.file.name + "]]") ``` 使用如下代码块在页面中查询所有子页面和子页面的子页面,并以层级的方式显示为表格。需要在设置中勾选 dataview 插件的 Enable JavaScript Queries. ```dataviewjs function findChildren(pageFile, maxDepth = 99, depth = 0, par...
This cheatsheet provides a handy reference guide for writing queries using Dataview Query Language (DQL) in the dataview plugin for Obsidian.md note-taking app.How to use thisUse it however you like but I would suggest you copy this file and simply paste it into your own Obsidian vault. ...
Dataview Complex data views for the data-obsessed. dataview - 0.4.5 https://github.com/blacksmithgu DEVONlink Open or reveal the current note in DEVONthink. DEVONlink-obsidian - 2.2.1 https://axle.design Discordian Theme Discordian plugin for tweaking Discordian theme discordian-plugin - 0....
bool, left, right) for basic conditional logic. The meta function retrieves link metadata, accessible through properties like display, embed, path, subpath, and type.Dataview functions provide a comprehensive toolkit for managing and analyzing data efficiently within your documents.
```js quickadd const modalForm = app.plugins.plugins.modalforms.api; const result = await modalForm.openForm('example-form'); return result.asDataviewProperties(); ``` Here you have an example screenshot of how it should look like: Providing Default Values When Opening a Form When open...
dataview - 0.4.5 https://github.com/blacksmithgu DEVONlink Open or reveal the current note in DEVONthink. DEVONlink-obsidian - 2.2.1 https://axle.design Discordian Theme Discordian plugin for tweaking Discordian theme discordian-plugin - 0.7.1 https://github.com/radekkozak Diagrams Draw.io...
excalidraw-css: "css-filename|css snippet" Switch to markdown view or useWIN+CTRL/CMD+CTRLclick on the image to edit properties of the embed: [[filename#^blockref|WIDTHxMAXHEIGHT]] Custom Font, Custom Pen, OCR support, SVG import ...