In rich mode , support set up node background/stroke/text color/text size,if you want to change colors of node setup board , you can inputsetup board colorin setting tab please restart obsidian 左键移动思维导图 , 支持右键框选节点 , 框选节点后会弹出节点设置面板 ...
Change the color of the selected text Remove the color of the selected text Switch between slots, forward Switch between slots, backwards Open the color input menu I suggest using hotkeys for these commands as I designed this plugin with a keyboard-centric approach. Demo Roadmap Saving the co...
Obsidian has nailed the customization. You can change the base color scheme, accent color, and even tweak the entire app look by using community-built themes. Whether you prefer a light theme or a dark shade, you won’t have a hard time finding a relevant theme from theSettings > Appearan...
map(rows, (r) => "" + " " + round((r.Lc/r.Lt)*100) + "%") FROM #goal FLATTEN file.outlinks AS OUT WHERE OUT.file.tasks FLATTEN length(OUT.file.tasks) AS Lt FLATTEN length(filter(OUT.file.tasks
Iconize is a neat Obsidian plugin that adds some aesthetic touch to your boring vault. It unlocks a range of icons for your account. Once you install and enable the plugin, right-click on any page or folder to insert an icon. You can even change the icon color from the plugin settings...
This is the color of the actual dice bodies. Dice Text Color This is the color of the numbers on the dice. Dice Formulas Dice formulas can be created in settings. Formulas must be given an alias; when the plugin detects the formula alias, it will use the defined formula for the roll....
Obsidian has a distinctive look and feel. It’s a black and white note-taking app. If you dislike the default theme or style, it’s possible to change it from dark mode or install other themes built by the community. You can also set keyboard shortcuts, change color schemes and more....
Please note that as of4.4.1, the title, collapse, icon and color parameters must be at the ...
The transient nature of expat life often means people move on when they change jobs or relocate. As I only game in-person this means we sometimes gain and lose players. The concept behind ‘Spectre’s Angels’ was inspired by the Spectres in the Mass Effect universe—elite agents with ...
You can easily add prefix or suffix to a tag and change the tag’s background or text color. 暂未翻译 obsidian-columns Obsidian Columns Allows you to create columns in Obsidian Markdown 暂未翻译