NoteRefactor2 Mind Map 我使用过 iThoughtsX、MindNote、Focusplan Pro 等许多思维导图软件,最后得出一个感悟:所有软件做的思维导图都差不多,既然这样,「方便」就成了第一要素,我在用 Obsidian 中做笔记和写文章需要用到思维导图时,用这个插件可以根据文章自动生成思维导图,也避免了再打开另一款软件。 MindMap P...
Track sleep schedules and habits by recording them in daily notes, and automatically create weekly tables of your sleep schedule. 追踪记录在每日笔记中的睡眠时间表和习惯,并自动创建睡眠时间表周表。 Automatically collect links to books in your notes, and render them all sorted by rating. 自动集中笔...
Zoottelkeeper It maintains index files in all of your folders in your vault: if you create/delete/move a note, the index files will be updated automatically. It can be used to show folders in Graph View. File Tree Alternative An alternative file tree view with separate folder and file pan...
作者从早期使用多插件进行知识管理,到现在精简插件,强调搜索功能的重要性。作者现在的 Obsidian 使用方法更倾向于将一个问题或观念在一张文档内阐述清楚,而不是大量的整理归类。此外,作者也提到了如何在 Obsidian 中建立有效的索引,以便于管理和查找内容。
Daily Notes Viewer This is a plugin for Obsidian ( It can help you to view some recent daily notes on one page. Demo Note Please make sure that the daily notes plugin in the core plugin has been enabled. The viewer file will be created automatically when enabling ...
Remember cursor and scroll position for each note Templater / 与系统模板插件 Version 1.8.1 Create and use templates Auto Link Title Version 1.2.3 This plugin automatically fetches the titles of links from the web Paste URL into selection ...
日程 calendarTaskDailyPlannerPeriodic Note:周记录、月记录 数据统计 TrackerObsidian 宝藏插件之 Contribution Graph,生成可交互的贡献热力图 - 知乎 ( 基于以上插件,就可以实现各种花里胡哨的功能了
The Quick Note Widget solves one of the biggest pain points of writing notes on mobile: Quick capture. Bypass waiting for files to sync, and immediately start writing. Custom destinations empower you to create your own workflows: Automatically create and add to daily notes, ensure unique notes ...
When you drag-and-drop an attachment (picture, voice recording, etc.) into a note, Obsidian automatically saves the attachment and pastes a link to it in the note. You have a choice of where to save the attached files (in the same folder as the current note or in some other folder)...
Remember cursor and scroll position for each note Templater / 与系统模板插件 Version 1.8.1 Create and use templates Auto Link Title Version 1.2.3 This plugin automatically fetches the titles of links from the web Paste URL into selection ...