Annotator不支持在批注中直接用双链 Mdnotes导出使用的模板由Mdnotes决定(语法不丰富),文件名无法自定义 不支持对Zotero中笔记的链接(只支持到文件/条目),对Zotero笔记导出的支持较差(用Zotfile导出或者用Mdnotes导出也是可以的) 不支持在Zotero直接打开对应的Obsidian笔记 (修改.md的默认应用也无法直接打开),后续提到的Zo...
Annotator This is a sample plugin for Obsidian. It allows you to open and annotate PDF and EPUB files. obsidian-annotator - 0.1.0 Apple Reminders obsidian-apple-reminders-plugin - 0.2.1 Apply Patterns Apply custom patterns of find-and...
"id": "obsidian-annotator", "name": "Annotator", "description": "A plugin for reading and annotating PDFs and EPUBs in obsidian.", "author": "Elias Sundqvist", "repo": "elias-sundqvist/obsidian-annotator" }, { "id": "customjs", "name": "CustomJS", "author": ...
Drag image from desktop to rich mode of MindMap Copy text from browser to MindMap Drag multiple nodes PDF annotator Setup and features Extracting annotations from PDF files Committing highlights and notes to PDF Relate MindMap node with annotation Introduction Obsidian MarkMind is a mind map, outl...
Annotator Read and annotate PDFs and EPUB files. CustomJS Reuse custom JavaScript across desktop and mobile. Random Structural Diary Pick random questions from a prepared question list and answer different questions each time. Better File Link Add better external file links to notes. Quick Explorer...
obsidian-annotator Annotator A plugin for reading and annotating PDFs and EPUBs in obsidian. 一个用黑曜石阅读和注释 PDF 和 EPUB 的插件。 obsidian-another-quick-switcher Another Quick Switcher This is an Obsidian plugin which is an...
I just wonder if there is any better method to accomplish this behavior, since now with this plugin, we could use obsidian as the viewer and annotator, but we still need the capability Zotero provided to manage literature. RyotaUshio reacted with thumbs up emoji ...
"id": "obsidian-annotator", "name": "Annotator", "description": "A plugin for reading and annotating PDFs and EPUBs in obsidian.", "author": "Elias Sundqvist", "repo": "elias-sundqvist/obsidian-annotator" }, { "id": "customjs", "name": "CustomJS", "author": ...
obsidian-annotator A plugin for reading and annotating PDFs and EPUBs in obsidian. JavaScript AGPL-3.0 license obsidian-todoist-plugin Materialize Todoist tasks in Obsidian notes TypeScript ...
You can use any editor you like that has support for annotating PDF files. Here are some examples:Xodo PDFannotator Adobe Acrobat ReaderAndroidHere, the options are a bit more limited, as the editor needs to support opening files from the source in mobile. These are the editors I have ...