Very often anxiety symptoms are hidden by physical symptoms. Basic psychosocial interventions include strengthening autonomy, explaining the vicious circle of fear and also relaxation techniques (breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation). The core features of obsessive compulsive disorder are ...
obsessive-compulsive-disorder n. 1. 强迫性神经(官能)症,强迫症(患者感到必须重复做某动作或活动以解除恐惧或不安)a mental disorder in which sb feels they have to repeat certain actions or activities to get rid of fears or unpleasant thoughts ...
obsessive-compulsive disorder 英 [əbˌsesɪv kəmˈpʌlsɪv dɪsɔːdə(r)] 美 [əbˌsesɪv kəmˈpʌlsɪv dɪsɔːrdər]n. 强迫症 ...
This chapter reviews literature pertaining to the treatment of pediatric anxiety and obsessive-compulsive behaviors in African American children and adolescents. Generally, evidence suggests that Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) are the most efficacious tr...
Two Others Involving Anxiety Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: a person is troubled by repetitive thoughts or actions Posttraumatic Stress Disorder a person has lingering memories, nightmares, and other symptoms for weeks after a severely threatening, uncontrollable event ...
In a preliminary investigation of the link between self-esteem and obsessional problems, patients with OCD were compared with people suffering from other anxiety disorders and non-anxious controls. A questionnaire was devised which allowed the reliable coding of open ended responses focussed on issues ...
强迫性人格障碍 Obsessive–compulsive personality disorder “ OCPD”在此处重定向。请勿将其与强迫症相混淆。对于其他用途,请参阅OCPD(消歧)。 其他名称 厌食症人格障碍 专业 精神病学 鉴别诊断 强迫症,ho积症,自恋型人格障碍 强迫症型人格障碍(OCPD)是一种人格障碍,其特征是过度关注秩序,完美主义,对细节的关注...
强迫症(obsessive-compulsive disorder)强迫症(OBSESSIVECOMPULSIVEDISORDER)第三军医大学第一临床医学院 神经精神病学教研室史树贵 以强迫症状为主要临床相的一类神经症。有意识的自我强迫和反强迫并存,两者强烈冲突使患者感到焦虑和痛苦。 病人体验到观念和冲动来源于自我,但违反自己的意愿,需极力抵抗,但...
强迫症(obsessive-compulsive disorder,OCD)是一种以反复、持久出现的强迫思维和(或)强迫行为为基本特征的精神障碍。强迫思维是以刻板的形式反复进入患者意识领域的表象或意向,强迫行为则是反复出现的刻板行为或仪式动作。患者明知这些思维和(或)动作没有现实意义、没有...
作者:Stein, Dan J./ Fineberg, Naomi 出版年:2007-4 页数:160 定价:$ 28.19 ISBN:9780199204601 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: 内容简介· ··· Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder characterized by obsessional thinking, compulsive behaviour and varying degrees of anxiety and depr...