网络释义 1. 强迫行为 ②强迫行为(obsessive compulsive behavior):指儿童期以强迫观念和强迫动作 为主要症状,伴有焦虑情绪和适应困难的一类 …|基于2个网页 2. 强迫症 型的“强迫症”(Obsessive Compulsive Behavior),而恋物者则从
child behavior checklistObjective: The aims of this study were (1) to assess obsessive-compulsive symptoms (OCS) dimensionally in a school-aged community sample and to correlate them with clinical and demographical variables; (2) to determine a subgroup with significant OCS "at-risk for OCD'')...
Hudziak JJ, Althoff RR, Stanger C, Beijsterveldt CEM, Nelson EC, Hanna GL, Boomsma DI, Todd RD (2006) The obsessive-compulsive scale of the child behavior checklist predicts obsessive-compulsive disorder: a receiver operating characteristic curve analysis. J Child Psychol Psychiatry 47(2):160...
While interest in the relationship between obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) and obsessive compulsive personality disorder has increased, there are
Child Fam. Behav. Ther. 33, 97-122.Ginsburg, G.S., Burstein, M., Becker, K.D., & Drake, K.L. (2011). Treatment of obsessive compulsive disorder in young children: an intervention model and case series. Child & Family Behavior Therapy, 33:2, 97-122. doi: 10.1080/07317107.2011.57...
Childhood-onset obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) affects 1%-2% of children and adolescents. It is characterized by recurrent obsessions and compulsions that create distress and interfere with daily life. The symptoms reported by children are similar to those seen among individuals who develop OCD ...
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) in childhood is a chronic and distressing disorder that can lead to severe impairments in social, academic, and family functioning. Until the past decade, childhood OCD was thought to be rare and not subjected to systematic research. Recently, significant advances...
2014, Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders Citation Excerpt : We have suggested that the nucleus of incompleteness is a deficit in the ability to use emotional experience and sensory feedback to guide behavior, perhaps reflecting malfunction in some internal signal that terminates beha...
The workbook contains explanations, illustrations, activities, tools, and homework that accompanies a step-by-step process that uses cognitive behavior therapy to treat obsessive compulsive disorder in young people through sessions for education, exposure and response prevention, reviewing progress, and rel...
《脑锁:如何摆脱强迫症:free yourself from obsessive-compulsive behavior》黄晓红,出版于2019-12-01,中图网为您提供正版《脑锁:如何摆脱强迫症:free yourself from obsessive-compulsive behavior》价格、内容简介、全书目录、读者书评等信息。上中图网,买便宜老版书。1