Observations in health and social care: applications for learning, research and practice with adults and childrendoi:10.1080/02650533.2017.1404446WarwickLisaJournal of Social Work Practice
The availability of vast amounts of electronic medical records data has inspired an increasing interest in data-driven healthcare intervention planning methods. Disease progression models provide a mechanism for understanding and predicting the impact of interventions on the health state of patients. Most...
March 2, 2025 By Mike Shell in Asymmetric Observation Ray Dalio and Elon Musk see the U.S. debt problem for what it is: an unsustainable ticking time bomb.They aren’t just speculating—they’re using decades of experience in finance, economics, and business to sound the alarm.And when...
Patient travel, and its attendant out-of-pocket costs, may be a barrier to healthcare access as evidenced by a distance-decay association [1, 2]. However, the fear of disease, particularly of the heart, can drive referral for expensive medical evaluation in healthcare systems globally, even...
aThese included thick description of observations in the community regarding the conditions of health-care delivery, such as the health services available, their quality, and the adequacy and quality of staffing. 这些在社区包括观察的重描述关于提供保健服务的条件,例如卫生业务可利用,他们的质量和雇用职员...
Journal of Advanced NursingHenderson V. Some observations on health care by health services or health industries. J Adv Nurs. 1986;86:11 (reprinted in Halloran E [ed], 1995: A Virginia Henderson Reader: Excellence in Nursing. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Co; 1982....
Investigation on rabies virus carried by domestic dogs with healthy appearance in Guangxi; 外观健康家犬携带狂犬病病毒状况调查4) health viewpoint 健康观 1. From the angle of WHO s health viewpoint,this article studies the modem meaning that sports brings to human beings. 从WHO健康观视角,就...
Does the design and implementation of proven innovations for delivering basic primary health care services in rural communities fit the urban setting: the ... Background Rapid urban population growth is of global concern as it is accompanied with several new health challenges. The urban poor who ...
Testimonials from participants demonstrated that both contextual (e.g. ill-adapted health care, lack of specialized public transport) and relational (e.g. attitudes towards parental involvement in decision making) factors negatively or positively impact autonomy.ConclusionWe observed that there were four...
Community-based multi-disciplinary teams (MDTs) are the most common means to encourage health and social care service integration in England yet are rarely studied or directly observed. This paper reports on two rounds of non-participant observations of community-based multi-disciplinary team (MDT)...