Peer review reports on initially rejected manuscripts were more negative and more often included expressions related to a high risk of bias.doi:10.1007/s11192-019-03160-6Alberto Falk DelgadoGregory GarretsonAnna Falk DelgadoSpringer & Akadémiai KiadóScientometrics...
Sweileh, W. M., Al-Jabi, S. W., Zyoud, S. H. & Sawalha, A. F. Outdoor air pollution and respiratory health: a bibliometric analysis of publications in peer-reviewed journals (1900–2017).Multidiscip Respir Med.13, 1–12 (2018). Yang, Z., Shen, J. & Gao, Z. Ventilation a...
Peer review Peer review information Nature Medicine thanks Robert Grant, Grainne O’Kane and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work. Primary Handling Editor: Ulrike Harjes, in collaboration with the Nature Medicine team....
223 Nguyen et al223 systematically reviewed the risk of bias in observational studies investigating the effectiveness of interventions using the ROBINS-I tool,224 a risk of bias tool informed by the target trial framework. The authors found that only 3% of these observational studies (2 of 77) ...
We searched for peer-reviewed papers and economic working papers published in English, based in high-income countries (by World Bank definition) and published between 1st January 1979 and 1st of June 2020. Our search terms were informed by extensive piloting and scoping searches, and combined thre...
(helper). Every participant completed the English and Chinese versions of the PRISMA-7 and the SMAF once within 2 days in randomised sequence, to prevent fatigue or learning effects from taking multiple questionnaires in quick succession. Frailty is generally considered to be relatively stable in ...
Patients with symptomatic lower extremity artery disease (LEAD) should have an optimal management in terms of lipid goal [i.e. controlled LDL-cholesterol (LDLc)] and medical treatment (triple therapy with an antiplatelet agent, a statin and an angio
Hippocampal neurogenesis promotes learning and the formation of new memories but can induce amnesia as new memories are formed [30]. Retrograde amnesia is a side effect of ECT, although improved cognitive functioning has also been reported, and findings vary between populations and methods of ...
Only peer-reviewed, full-text studies published in English were included. Inclusion criteria were: (1) observational study designs including cross-sectional, case-control, and prospective and retrospective cohort studies or intervention studies with baseline data; (2) adults aged 18 years or older; ...
Peer Review reports Background Particulate matter (PM) exposure is a risk factor for aerodigestive disease and mortality [1,2,3]. On September 11, 2001 (9/11), first-responders and inhabitants of New York City were exposed to World Trade Center (WTC)-PM [4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13...