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As part of the employee risk assessment, the form should include a place for you to report both good and bad behaviors, as well as areas in which the employee excels. To create a positive and safe work environment, you need to acknowledge and reward safe behavior and correct unsafe behav...
28O is, given its extremeN/Zasymmetry, the only one that is—in principle—experimentally accessible that has yet to be observed. In recent years, the doubly magic character of the two other such neutron-rich nuclei,78Ni (Z = 28,N = 50;N/Z =...
Nevertheless, the sample size was small, and the results should be replicated in additional samples to help generalize the results to the larger population of sexual sadists. Third, we did not collect self-report ratings regarding sexual arousal to the pictures because we wanted to get a ...
Non-resonant x-ray scattering probes the arrangement of electrons in the sample, and it has been suggested that it might eventually become possible to follow dynamic changes in the electron density upon photoexcitation experimentally10,11,12,13. Photoexcitation is the first step in all photochemical...
Invariant mass distribution m4j of the trained signal and evaluated background sample using the BDTG, DNN and LD method Full size image Fig. 7 Comparison of m4j (signal only) for three different masses: mH=250,270 and 300 GeV following a Method 1 (Sect. 4.1), b Method 2 (Sect. 4.2...
Below we report on the findings of the observation of the teacher’s classroom practice using the observation table. Six video recordings matched our criteria for observation (i.e., the teacher was clearly visible and the segment were of substantial length), spanning 240 minutes in total with ...
The total sample comprised 66 female Yogo teachers. The mean years of experience as a Yogo teacher was 21.6 ± 10.6 years (range, 1–38 years). The KMO measure was 0.749, indicating sampling adequacy. Bartlett's test of sphericity was statistically significant (χ2 = 401.546, p<0.01). Dem...
Calculation of the sample size was based on the assumption that median disease-free survival of completely resected patients with pancreatic cancer would be 18 months in the gemcitabine group and less than 12 months17,21 in the control group. To detect a difference in disease-free survival of ...
Here we report the first observation of number-density-dependent growth of plasmonic nanobubbles. Our results show that the nanobubbles growth depends (does not depend) on the number density at high (low) laser fluence, although the inter-particle distance in the solution is as long as 14–30...