Build your own quiz Create a new quiz Explore millions of free instructional resources QUIZ PREMIUM Observation and Inference and Change 9th - 12th grade Science 84% accuracy 4 plays Share Andrew Orgonik 4 个月 AI EnhanceWorksheet Copy and Edit PremiumResource This quiz uses some Premium content...
Thisgraphicorganizerhelps students process their thoughts about the characters they are reading about by offering them a way to organize their thoughts and text evidence in a very visual way. Unlike filling out a regular boring worksheet, thisgraphicorganizerhelps students think and matches the informa...
Easy for you - fun, yet challenging, for your students - this lesson on inference contains a graphic organizer, a sketching assignment, and follow-up question stems. Students will distinguish between observation and inference based on textual evidence, logic, and their own personal schema. The ge...