在Apple Music 上收听群星的《A Coffee Shop Around the Corner - origami PRODUCTIONS x Obscura Coffee Roasters》。2015年。16 首歌曲。时长:57 分钟
Singapore's Last Traditional Coffee Roasters May Soon Disappear The aging masters of kopi are desperate for the next generation to take up their craft. by Rachel Phua July 8, 2021 How Singapore's 'Tree Doctors' Treat Their Giant Patients Meet the arborists who care for the stately tree...
人气咖啡品牌 Obscura Coffee Roasters 在东京共有四个据点,位于三轩茶屋的 Cafe Obscura 是最早开设的老店,专注虹吸式咖啡。 09 LABOUR AND WAIT TOKYO LABOUR AND WAIT 是一个来自伦敦的生活杂货品牌,产品设计日常、经久耐用,这是它的第一家海外店铺。 10 TRUNK (HOUSE) 还记得涩谷小山坡上的设计酒店 TRUNK (...