Open Broadcaster Software Free Free and open-source software for video recording and live streaming. Streamlabs OBS Free Add alerts, overlays, engage with your audience in chat, add favorite widgets. BroadCam Video Streaming Server Stream recorded or live video over the Internet or the local network...
Starting with obs-ndi 4.8.0, the NDI runtime is not installed automatically anymore. Download and runobs-ndi-4.9.0-macOS.pkg(provided below) Install the NDI 4.5.1 macOS runtime using the installer provided here: 配置参数 -NDI ...
Download obs-ndi-4.11.1-windows-x64-Installer.exe Run obs-ndi-4.11.1-windows-x64-Installer.exe Download and install the NDI 5 runtime from: Linux: #!/bin/bash set -e LIBNDI_INSTALLER_NAME="Install_NDI_SDK_v5_Linux" LIBNDI_INSTALLER="$LIBNDI_INSTALLER_NAME.tar.gz" LIBNDI_INSTALLE...
Bugfix: The NDI Output Settings dialog wasn't always showing text input fields for the Program & Preview output names (#373) Bugfix: NDI runtime download issues on Windows. The obs-ndi installer now downloads the runtime from a mirror I manage to prevent download errors that cause failed ...
Downloadobs-ndi-4.11.1-windows-x64-Installer.exe Runobs-ndi-4.11.1-windows-x64-Installer.exe Download and install the NDI 5 runtime from: Linux: #!/bin/bash set -e LIBNDI_INSTALLER_NAME="Install_NDI_SDK_v5_Linux" LIBNDI_INSTALLER="$LIBNDI_INSTALLER_NAME.tar.gz" LIBNDI_INSTALLER_SHA...
See installation instructions on the Downloads page for more details. If you find DistroAV useful, and especially if you are using it in a commercial environment, please consider making a donation at to help us cover our expenses (Apple Developer Accoun...
官方下载地址: 使用一根网线连接两台PC的网口,检查网络连接状况 若连接成功,可以看到自动分配的ipv4地址 169.254.x.x 确认Windows设置中,以太网属性为专用网络,若为公用网络,参考下文进行设置 ...
而后本人认为是J1900的DX11与OBS 31版本兼容不佳,于是便尝试安装29版本的OBS,随后QSV能够正常工作,但NDI由于OBS版本不兼容而无法识别。 此时本人尝试寻找NDI v5 Runtime,并尝试于DistroAV (原OBS NDI)的Github issues页面下询问。(见下图1 2 3) 图1
1. Download and Install: Get Stream Studio NDI Camera from the App Store and install it on your iPhone or iPad. 2. Connect to Wi-Fi: Ensure your device is connected to the same Wi-Fi network as your NDI or RTSP receiver. 3. Launch the App: Open Stream Studio NDI Camera and start...
1. Download and Install: Get Stream Studio NDI Camera from the App Store and install it on your iPhone or iPad. 2. Connect to Wi-Fi: Ensure your device is connected to the same Wi-Fi network as your NDI or RTSP receiver. 3. Launch the App: Open Stream Studio NDI Camera and start...