步骤1. 以管理员身份运行 OBS Game Capture 右键单击“OBS Studio”,转到“属性”。然后,查找“兼容性”,然后单击“以管理员身份运行““。 步骤2. 重新启动并尝试捕获 完成这些步骤后,重新启动应用程序。然后,尝试使用 OBS Game Capture 捕获屏幕来测试它。 注意:检查OBS可以玩游戏而不显示黑屏。这也可以用于修复...
fit to screen game capture not working resizing window capture Replies: 2 Forum: Windows Support S obs not working: starting the output failed please check your drivers are up to date Hi! I have tried everything I have seen to make OBS work but it keeps saying the same thing in the...
blank white screen powerbi window capture Replies: 0 Forum: Windows Support D Fit to screen is not working Hi, I have been having a problem (since the update I think) with every window. All my windows suddenly resized and ctrl + f makes them look like this: Does anyone have any ...
OBS is available on both Windows 11/10 and macOS. It is used efficiently by gamers and podcasters to manage different modules and video and audio feed sources. OBS Display Capture not working This post will show you some of the effective methods using which can resolve this error on Windows ...
Why is OBS window capture not working? OBS Studio is just as susceptible to occasional bugs and glitches, much like other streaming software. However, the most common issue Windows users face is the Black Screen error. There are several reasons why this can happen. To name just a few: ...
Changed Display and Window capture on Windows to not capture the first found display or window [Lain-B] Changed display and window capture on Linux to not capture implicitly [Lain-B] Added a warning to Window Capture when trying to capture WinUI 3 applications with BitBlt [qhy040404] Refactor...
After trying so many methods to stop encoding overload on OBS but still not working? Maybe it is just because your hardware is too old to handle simultaneous streaming and gaming: successful game/video recording and streaming necessitate a capable processor with 6 or 8 cores, such as an Intel...
Tested with window capture. Bitblt and windows 10 capture seems to have the same behavior. This is a driver issue as I have an rtx 3050 ti mobile and it works as intended with that one for all vulkan games.Also, have a look at this on github: https://github.com/...
DirectX failure or not installed Bugs or corruptions in OBS Studio You need to implement fixes (mentioned in the post) based on the possible causes. Read next: OBS Display Capture not working for OBS. Download PC Repair Tool to fix Windows errors automatically Published on March 8, 2022Tags...
Tested with window capture. Bitblt and windows 10 capture seems to have the same behavior. This is a driver issue as I have an rtx 3050 ti mobile and it works as intended with that one for all vulkan games.Also, have a look at this on github: https://g...