输入regedit 打开注册表编辑器 Ctrl+f 搜索 OBS Virtual Camera 将所有能搜到的值都改成 Logitech c930e 即可
obs虚拟摄像头插件是一款很优秀好用的由OBS官方推出的虚拟摄像头辅助工具,插件的主要功能是帮助用户创建一个虚拟的摄像头。 软件会修改多个位置的虚拟摄像头名称,支持一键改名! 常规的OBS Virtual Camera 自带名称修改防检测。 默认名称直播伴侣会提示检测到正在使用虚拟摄像头,使用本软件可以快速修改obs 虚拟摄像头名称,...
I'm wondering if there is a way to rename "OBS Virtual Camera" to something else? For example, within Chrome's site settings, the two options under the camera settings are "FaceTime HD Camera" and "OBS Virtual Camera". I believe this is referred to as a "Friendly Name", at least ...
OBS-VirtualCam 是OBS的一个虚拟摄像头插件,可以将OBS中的内容提供给一个虚拟摄像头,这样其它软件就可以使用这个内容了,这里试试这个插件功能。1. 下载obs并安装登录OBS Studio网站,下载windows版, 下载完成后并安装。2. 点击Rlease,到obs vcam的下载页面下载OBS-VirtualCam2.0.4-installer.exe下载完成后,并安装,选...
Obs virtual camera name changer Future updates Adding support to change properties of Virtual Audio Devices Specifically these two (Oculus virtual Audio Device, Virtual Desktop Audio) Adding numbering to cameras (by forking this repo you agree to the fork remaining open source!) Please tell me if...
OBS预览窗口有画面..OBS预览窗口有画面,能检测到OBS Virtual Camera,但OBS Virtual Camera内容为黑屏,怎么解决大佬们系统win11
During the video call meeting, you may want to use a virtual camera to make desired effect. OBS recently updates its program to apply this ability without installing any plugin.
OBS视频采集设备,海康相机HIK Virtual Camera,没有图像,有遇到过的请指教,谢谢? 关注问题写回答 登录/注册OBS视频采集设备,海康相机HIK Virtual Camera,没有图像,有遇到过的请指教,谢谢?[图片]显示全部 关注者1 被浏览7 关注问题写回答 邀请回答 好问题 添加评论 分享 暂时...
OBS (macOS) Virtual Camera (ARCHIVED) 🎥 ATTENTION: STARTING WITH OBS Studio 26.1, THIS PLUGIN IS NOW A PART OF THE OFFICIAL OBS PACKAGE 🎉. Development will now happen on theOBS Studio GitHub. Running this plugin along-side the built-in distribution does not work. If you can, update...