Hi, today I Record an important video, but when I stop recording, it's stuck on "stopping recording". I recorded more than 2 hours but only saved 9 minutes. how to get the missing part of the video? please help me get the missing part because the cideo is very important for me. ...
obs stuck recording stopping recording stuck Replies: 3 Forum: Windows Support G OBS and Discord I use obs primarily for just recording and whenever I record just gameplay along with my voice the footage comes out normal. however, when I stream the game I am playing on discord to my ...
How to Record Skype Audio with OBS Fix: OBS Stuck on Stopping Recording How to Record Desktop Audio with OBS on Windows/Mac OBS is a free, open source screen recorder to record videos and enjoy live streams from multiple platforms like Twitch, YouTube, and more. Instead, it supports all ...
etc), then you start up the recording output, the recording output will appear to be running, but will not stop when you hit "stop recording". It will stay perpetually on "stopping recording" and will get stuck that way. This is because when the streaming output started, the streaming ou...
OBS Studio Log URL https://obsproject.com/logs/4PNy6Qu0TuGPMTaO OBS Studio Crash Log URL No response Expected Behavior OBS launch normally Current Behavior Randomly, OBS will got stuck while launching and will never show a Qt window. Steps to Reproduce Run OBS (in a terminal if possible ...
Version history forOBS Studio (portable 64-bit) <<Back to software description Changes for v25.0.1 -v25.0.8 Added status icons next to the timers for recording and streaming Added white icons for dock titles Added an actual name for files when browsing for LUT files ...
Forever stuck on "Stopping Recording..." when recording at 240 FPS Hi Whenever I try to stop the recording when recording Minecraft at 240 fps it gets stuck on 240 FPS SOMETIMES. Not sure why this is randomly happening. I am fairly certain that my specs are good enough to record at thi...
Hello, first of all I want to apologize Im not a native english speaker I hope i'm expressing correctly Today I had an strange bug after finish recording with obs, i stop the recording with a shortcut (ctrl+alt+shift+home) and it get stuck in "stopping recording", i leave it a few...
obs-ndi 4.2.2 + obs-studio 21.0.1 partially stopped working. Previous was able to output NDI and OBS input source NDI -- but I wasn't not paying attention to if it stopped working after which update. I know that multiple network cards ca...
Hello, first of all I want to apologize Im not a native english speaker I hope i'm expressing correctly Today I had an strange bug after finish recording with obs, i stop the recording with a shortcut (ctrl+alt+shift+home) and it get stuck in "stopping recording", i leave it a few...