我們在這篇 OBS 教學中討論到的技巧和訣竅,應該足以讓您好好錄製螢幕畫面和/或網路攝影機的活動,並且製作出高品質的影片才對。如果您正在尋找一個能幫助您製作出高品質影片的優秀替代方案來取代 OBS Studio 的話,我們建議您嘗試 Movavi Screen Recorder 或 Gecata by Movavi。
随后OBS会进行一个简单的测试来测试电脑硬件的性能,然后根据测试结果选出合适的参数,这里点击Apply Settings就好 初始界面 05 测试完成后初始界面是这个样子的,感觉可能有一点点复杂但是别着急~ 添加Screen Capture 06 去Source那边添加一个新的Screen Capture(就是录屏啦!) 创建新的Screen Capture Source 07 这里点...
為OBS切換GPU是解決OBS Studio中黑屏問題的有效解決方案。 步驟1:關閉OBS,右鍵單擊OBS圖標並選擇NVIDIA控制面板. 步驟2: 點擊管理3D設置實體在左側,並前往程序設置標籤。 點擊添加按鈕找到OBS可執行文件並添加它。 尖端:路徑為C:\ Program Files(x86)\ obs-studio \ bin \ 32bit \或C:\ Program Files(x86)\ ...
Step 6:The above will take you to the OBS Studio’s main screen. Here we need first to create a new “Scene.” Click on the “+” icon under the “Scene” section to create a new Scene. In OBS, you can think of a Scene as a virtual template with specific settings. For example,...
第一步:安装OBS Studio 您应该先安装 OBS Studio 27 版。它已经包含在我在本教程中使用的 Ubuntu 21.10 中。 sudo apt install obs-studio 要在Ubuntu 18.04、20.04、Linux Mint 20 等上安装 OBS Studio 27,请使用官方 OBS Studio PPA。 打开终端,一一使用以下命令: ...
简介 OBS Studio - Free and open source software for live streaming and screen recording 暂无标签 GPL-2.0 保存更改 发行版 暂无发行版 贡献者(381) 全部 近期动态 4年多前创建了仓库
Check out theOBS Studio Quickstart Guidefor more information on how to use OBS Studio. With that general process in mind, let’s take a look at how to use the different functions of OBS Studio, such as adding a video source, screen recording, incorporating graphic overlays, and more. Let...
OBS Studio - Free and open source software for live streaming and screen recording - refine/obs-studio
OBS Studio Latest Release 30.2.3 - August 15th WindowsSupports Windows 10 and Windows 11macOSSupports macOS 11.0 or newerLinux Select macOS Version ‹macOS (Intel)macOS (Apple Silicon) Free and open source software for video recording and live streaming. ...
If you want to record professional-grade videos from your screen, then OBS Studio is a solid platform. But the program is a little tricky when setting up. For those struggling with their configuration, here is our list of the best OBS recording settings. ...