Disclaimer: This is a test build, not a full release. This build may contain bugs or broken functionality. For production usage, we still recommend using the latest stable build of OBS. If you are willing to test this build, please let us know if you run into any issues. OBS Studio 29...
Disclaimer: This is a test build, not a full release. This build may contain bugs or broken functionality. For production usage, we still recommend using the latest stable build of OBS. If you are willing to test this build, please let us know if you run into any issues. OBS Studio 30...
OBS Studio 27.2 Hi there, please do not use this build. Use the latest release here: https://github.com/obsproject/obs-studio/releases New Features and Additions Added AJA source for AJA devices [DDRBoxman/AJA Team] Added AJA output to tools menu for AJA devices [DDRBoxman/AJA Team] ...
YouTube.Actions.Error.FileOpeningFailed="開啟選取檔案時發生錯誤。" YouTube.Actions.Error.FileTooLarge="選取檔案大小過大(上限:2 MiB)。" YouTube.Actions.Error.BroadcastTransitionFailed="直播轉場失敗:%1如果問題仍然存在,請開啟 YouTube Studio 中的直播,自行嘗試轉場。" YouTube.Actions.Error.BroadcastTest...
Step 1.Open OBS Studio. Usually, the software automatically adds the Scene upon startup. If not, click on the "+" icon in the Scenes box in the bottom left corner of the screen. Step 2.Go to Sources right next to Scenes and click the "+" icon at the bottom of the panel. ...
In my workflow, I need to automate some scene filters. I have no issues with this but one, when OBS is running in studio mode the filter on the scene is not applied. It would be nice to have a checkbox that would propagate a scene filter toggled to the program output as the current...
Cons of OBS Studio FAQs Conclusion It is not only completely free to use but it has all the possible recording andstreaming featuresthat you will ever want. On top of that, the community around this software is extremely contributive and wholesome. But is it really the great solution toever...
OBS Studio 27.0.1 If you would like to support the OBS Project, please consider contributing to our Patreon or Open Collective! 27.0.1 Hotfix Changes Fixed 16bpp PNGs rendering brighter than version 26 [jpark37] Fixed blue chroma key value not keying correctly [jpark37] Fixed a bug where...
To set up the limiter, adjust theThresholdto-1dB. This ensures that your highest audio peak will not exceed this level. Leave the release setting at its default value. Limiter Filter in OBS Studio Summary Setting up a mic in OBS Studio might seem daunting, but with the right guidance, it...
provides other sources as well —mimoCallis a way to have other guests show up on your show (audio only) by just opening a URL in a web browser, whilemimoLive Reporteris free iOS software that works with mimoLive to give “roving reporters” a way to send video back to your studio. ...