NeedsRestart="OBS Studio 需要重新啟動。您是否要現在重新啟動?" LoadProfileNeedsRestart="設定檔內有需要重新啟動 OBS 的設定:\n%1\n\n是否要重新啟動 OBS,讓這些設定生效?" ContextBar.NoSelectedSource="未選擇來源" ContextBar.ResetTransform="重設變型設定" ContextBar.FitToCanvas="縮放至畫布大小" Context...
A Profile savesmosta solid chunk of OBS Studio settings, primarily related to outputs. Using Profiles lets you to switch between different saved settings quickly depending on the stream or recording a user is working on. You can mix-and-match these withScene Collectionsto flexibly maintain, backup...
OBS Studio Crash Unhandled exception: c0000005 Fault address: 200000018 ((null)) i've justed alt tab and the obs crashed, when i tried to open again, does crashed again and again. D OBS crash at start Greetings comrades. Today catch a problem that OBS crashing at start. If i delete ...
Fixed a bug where creating a new profile with advanced output mode active would not enforce the service's settings (such as keyframe interval) (310c98e) Fixed a bug where hotkeys for start streaming and stop streaming would disappear when going in/out of studio mode (caceb62) Fixed ...
video->texture_converted = true;profile_end(render_convert_texture_name); }static const char *stage_output_texture_name = "stage_output_texture"; static inline void stage_output_texture(struct obs_core_video *video, int cur_texture) { profile_start(stage_output_texture_name);...
Cloud Studio代码运行 importobsws""c:=obsws.Client{Host:"localhost",Port:4444}iferr:=c.Connect();err!=nil{log.Fatal(err)}defer c.Disconnect() 发送请求 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 ...
OBS Studio 27.1 Release Candidate 2 If you would like to support the OBS Project, please consider contributing to our Open Collective or Patreon! Release Candidate 2 Fixes Fixed a bug where the auto-start and auto-stop checkboxes for YouTube integration could sometimes be disabled Fixed a bug ...
Microsoft.BusinessIntelligence Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.DataFlowUI Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Tasks.DTSProcessingTask Microsoft.DataWarehouse.Design Microsoft.MasterDataServices Microsoft.MasterDataServices.Services Microsoft.MasterDataServices.Ser...