My Activity feed on streamelements doesn't show me when I get a new follower. my follower alert doesn't be triggered... the test alerts works but the actually not (sorry for my bad english) need a fast answer... BPLoader Thread Jan 26, 2021 activity feed alert box Replies...
Now when someone meets the condition you have specified, they will get a different alert to make things interesting and make your follower feel more special. Stay Alert Services like Streamlabs made streaming alerts easier to customize and control while streaming. Now you can set different alertswh...
So I recently started to stream throu OBS Studio. Donation goal works, its okey. But when people donate or follow, the alerts doesn't show up + i added recent follower and it doesnt update as well. I tried deleting the Browser Source, restarting OBS and etc, but nothing worked . ...
StreamLabs folks have been pretty busy! They are really reinventing and simplifying streaming with the StreamLabs OBS or in short SLOBS. StreamLabs folks have been the major Stream Alert, Follower Notifications and Donation System that streamers use these days for years now. These tutorials work for...
I found out that this only happens when I have my Alert browser source activated too. So what I did is to trigger follower alerts in Streamelements with my alert and kappagen source on. Then move around in Hitman 3 and watch the FPS counter in obs. It would occasionally drop. Sometimes...
March 9, 2016 Categories:Twitch Streaming Update: 17.11.2016: If you are having problems after trying out these settings or your game starts to buffer and lag quite a lot. Check out an updated version for the Best OBS Studio settings. – NikiTheLiger This post is part of the series: How...
alertboxchatboxstreamlabswidgets Replies: 1 Forum:Windows Support Text in Chat/Stream Information Dock is Blurry The text in the chat dock and stream information dock gets very blurry. When I move my mouse over them the text goes in and out of focus. But if I move my mouse off of them...
As example, I need that when someone becomes a new follower, together with the normal browser source from stream labs, also the appearance of a second browser source is triggered (even just to refresh the second browser source would be sufficient). Is it possible?
#alert #stream #live #gadget #popup #design#alertsalertsbrowserbrowser pluginplug-insource Replies: 0 Forum:Windows Support Severe recording/streaming lags Hello. I am facing the problem of severe lags when recording\stream, my hardware is not the weakest, but obs VERY bad lags, and gives 2...
(1 week, so I'm probably garbage). Description: My system: I am running OBS Studio for my brand new 2019 iMac 21 inch with upgraded RAM to 32gig. All other is base iMac. 1: I added a "source" as a "browser" to show my alerts using "" 2: A test follower worked...