For example, to output to mixer 1 and 3, you would perform a bitwise OR on bits 0 and 2: (1<<0) | (1<<2), or 0x5. void obs_source_set_monitoring_type(obs_source_t *source, enum obs_monitoring_type type) enum obs_monitoring_type obs_source_get_monitoring_type(obs_source...
OBS Studio Download for PC has the incredible performance to capture as well as mix the audio and video in real-time. Its Available Offline Installer for Windows 7, with 32-bits as well as 64-bits. Use a wide range of sources and scenes, concluding of text, window captures, and images....
this happens on 32bits OBS. Unhandled exception: c0000005 Date/Time: 2017-11-05, 20:40:46 Fault address: 51EF6F8F (c:\program files (x86)\obs-studio\obs-plugins\32bit\obs-stream-effects.dll) libobs version: 20.1.1 Windows version: 6.1 build 7601 (revision: 23889; 64-bit) CPU: ...
create one single video virtual device * Update device IDs * Few fixes * Cleanup * Update webcam name * Add 32bits binaries of obs-virtualsource * Move 32 bit of virtualsource.dll inside the bin directory * Fix zip issues * Remove unused installed file * Blank * Increase min buffered ...
add-32bits-build deps-debug fix-cache-loop fix-discard-audio fix-free-dec fix-gpu-crash fix-ignore-audio fix-lookahead fix-output-rescale fix-vst-savechunk-crash release-test release-test-final release-testb release-testbis release-testc streamlabs-24.0.1 update-obs-browser-24.0.0b...
有些特殊需求获取捕捉的原始图像,数据保存在capture->bits中,是rgb数据。当然也可以直接保存为bmp图片。如下(例子只保存5张,否则太多): intnCount=0;voidWriteBmp(void*data,intwidth,intheight){if(nCount>5)return;FILE*pFile=NULL;BITMAPFILEHEADER bmpheader;BITMAPINFO bmpinfo;charfileName[32];intbpp=32;...
打开obs-studio\build64\obs-studio.sln文件工程编译即可。 OBS开发基础 几乎所有自定义功能都是通过插件模块添加的,这些插件模块通常是动态库或脚本。捕获和/或输出音频/视频、录制、输出到RTMP流、用x264编码的能力都是通过插件模块完成的。 插件可以实现源、输出、编码器和服务。
Dowiedz się, jak używać programu Studio 3T z usługą Azure Cosmos DB dla bazy danych MongoDB. Dowiedz się, jak używać narzędzia Robo 3T z usługą Azure Cosmos DB dla bazy danych MongoDB. Zapoznaj się z przykładami bazy danych MongoDB za pomocą usługi ...
here are my settings for 720p50@3500kbps in OBS Studio with AMD AMF Encoder have in mind:0. i use 720p50 because you have more bitrate per frame as 720p601. 3500kbps is not much for 720p50 (3500kbps is ok-ish for 720p30)(720p60 would need minimum 4500kbps)1b. what is your...
here are my settings for 720p50@3500kbps in OBS Studio with AMD AMF Encoder have in mind:0. i use 720p50 because you have more bitrate per frame as 720p601. 3500kbps is not much for 720p50 (3500kbps is ok-ish for 720p30)(720p60 would need minimum 4500kbps)1b. what is your...