Mac Mini Apple M2 Pro Chip, 32gb memory, Sequoia 15.2, OBS 31.0.0 Immediately upon installing Sequoia 15 and all later updates, MacOS screen captures become unresponsive (they fail to update) after 20-30 minutes of run time. In order to recover, each screen capture must be modified by goi...
The remote connection should now reliably transfer all events without keys sometimes getting stuck. There's also a tutorial for installing and using this version on the resource page. Reactions:AnonJohn Qt6 and OBS 28.0.0 Aug 21, 2022
Mac software updates generally take a bit longer than any normal update. If you have not updated your system for quite some time now and have skipped a few updates, the time taken will be longer, and there is nothing to worry about. The update might get stuck sometimes, for which you c...
The next question that comes to our mind is installing and testing this new OS on ournormal PCs.Thanks to virtualization technology.We can do that with theWindows built-in Hyper-V featureor VMware and VirtualBox. In this guide, let me show you where to download the Windows 2022 server ISO...
Product Updates Video Tips Windows 10 Reviews Christmas GiftOBS Recording Location: Where Does OBS Save Recordings By FonePaw | Dec 24 , 2019 Streamlabs Open Broadcast Software (OBS) is mainly used for live broadcasting to platforms like Twitch, YouTube Live, and Mixer, while many people look ...
I've updated to the latest version but was using the toggle for horizontal flip with the upgrade this is crashing OBS because this is stuck ON. Is there some way to remove this before launch? I have no way to remove the settings from the previous installed version. I've tried the norma...
I get this message, not sure what I'm doing wrong Installing OBS Websockets --- fatal: could not create work tree...
Finally I solved the problem installing NDI (NDI runtime and NDI virtual input) and the OBS ndi plugin (I had to remove code signature from OBS with xcode to avoid crashing). Then, activate obs output to ndi (in the tools menu), select obs input from ndi, and then in Teams I can ...
After installing Adobe Connect Add-in, the video pod became black. But when I uninstalled the Add-in, the video from VirtualCam returned. Last edited: Jul 25, 2017 C catxfish Member Jul 26, 2017 #13 RibShark said: Thanks for this plugin! Now I won't have to use Dxtory to ...
So ask them to fix their build :stuck_out_tongue: If you’re desperate you can build it manually by turning off -Werror. The sed command below just comments that out on line 177 of the specified file; git clone cd obs-ptz-controls ...