解决使用stream..OBS插件表里有支持stream deck插件,但是使用就会提示“正在等待OBS”,然后OBS打开时提示“StreamDeckPlugin请更新或者删除此插件”,在stream deck无法操作OBS
【国产stream deck】293系列教程(二) 常用功能操作教程:快速启动程序,打开文档、网页;音乐多媒体控制 1624 0 00:18 App 【国产stream deck】妙联宝N4 操作流一键回怼展示 4831 2 01:32 App 【国产streamdeck】热键功能演示,带屏幕自定义小键盘显示屏直播控制台可编程宏按键 1.7万 2 01:00 App 【国产stream...
Virtual Camera action allows you to enable/disable the Virtual Camera from the Stream Deck INSTALLATION Important: You must download and install obs-websocket before using this plugin. Install from here: https://github.com/Palakis/obs-websocket/releases/ After installing, enable from inside OBS: ...
My Elgato stream Deck stopped working since the 29.1.1 OBS update Hello, My stream deck was working fine until I updated my OBS Studio to the newest version. I tried to get back to the 29.0.2 and 29.1.0 updates, but it didn't solve the problem. I say the OBS Studio plug-in is ...
有大佬用过stream deck吗 只看楼主 收藏 回复wildlibertines 托儿所 1 想请教这个可以控制一个第三方特别小众的软件吗 阿丽塔 吧主 15 可以用快捷键控制的话才可以。登录百度帐号 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违规信息处理公示...
OBS就是想超越XSplit的软件,全称为:Open Broadcaster Software,目前来看 34426 obs吧 阿施yeah OBS插件加载失败:StreamDeckPlugin请更新或移除这些插件。这怎么解决! 分享61 obs吧 吱熬li👀 OBS直播画面PPT我网速和电脑配置应该没问题,2070+8700,显示器2K 144,直播自走棋,游戏流畅,直播画面卡的和PPT一样,不知道...
Download DroidCam for OBS Additional Plugins for OBS Studio Here are a bunch of plugins that may benefit you when using OBS Studio on your PC. 1. OBS Websocket Plugin (Stream Deck Alternative) If you are a streamer who needs control over their stream through different buttons and you cannot...
Resources Log inRegister Search Latest activity Register Home Tags V Question / HelpMedien (mp4-clip) Wiedergabe im Studio-Modus funktioniert nicht Hallo Schwarmhirn, folgendes Problem: OBS spielt Mediendateien (mp-4 Filmclips) via Stream Deck im Normal-Modus (1 Fenster) ohne Probleme ab. We...
Stream Deck 15 Studio Controller Macro Keys Trigger Actions In Apps And Software Like Obs And More Works With Mac,white/blackCNY 472.80/piece Stream Deck 15 key Controller Production For Livestream Video Design Custom Macro Lcd Keys Info Displa For Twitch,youtube,obsCNY 371.74/piece ...
This plugin for the Elgato StreamDeck allows for better control of OBS when using Studio Mode. - unknowndomain/streamdeck-obs-plus