This OBS plugin provides an input plugin to 64bit OBS that allows capturing directly from OpenVR/SteamVR mirror surface in full resolution. - baffler/OBS-OpenVR-Input-Plugin
I've just recently started using the Open VR Plugin for OBS so that I can record my right eye in H3VR with that much wider FOV than what the default gives you - But my recordings are stuttering quite badly. I've tried numerous settings, including lowering bitrate, resolution, recording....
This OBS plugin provides an input plugin to 64bit OBS that allows capturing directly from OpenVR/SteamVR mirror surface in full resolution. - Releases · baffler/OBS-OpenVR-Input-Plugin
SteamVR won't open. Can't open. Just got an error. #3. Restarted OBS. Tried opening SteamVR before trying the plugin source. Apparently the way this is meant to work. OBS just froze/crashed, and still can't find the headset. Have tried uninstalling and reinstalling OBS. It did ...
OBS论坛插件: 源代码: 3.13、SteamFx 汉化:已汉化 版本说明: OBS29 = streamfx-windows-0.12.0b164-ga3a84595 OBS28 = streamfx-windows-0.12.0a151-g0f114f56 / streamfx-windows-0.12....
OBS Studio has a brand new release available with some fancy sounding features, making it still the absolute best and easiest way to record and livestream video on Linux.
对于使用第三方VR运行环境(如SteamVR)的用户,GPU云服务器创建完成或重启后,建议用户在连接头显设备前先进行房间设置,即登录GPU云服务器配置环境,包括设置默认身高等操作。 前提条件 已在VR云渲游平台成功创建应用。 创建的GPU加速型云服务器为“闲置”状态。 操作步骤 获取GPU云服务器的弹性公网IP。
根据Steam的硬件调查显示,的销量达到了Oculus Rift的两倍(0.15%比0.06%),其变化率也是Oculus的两倍(0.06%比0.03%)。如果以上数据准确的话,那也就说明SteamVR在数量和变化率上都对Oculus的软件开发工具包呈现压倒性的优势。从数据来看目前Vive较受大众欢迎,但数据随时都会变化,未来仍有各种可能。
OBS论坛插件: 源代码: 3.13、SteamFx 汉化:已汉化 版本说明: OBS29 = streamfx-windows-0.12.0b164-ga3a84595 OBS28 = streamfx-windows-0.12.0a151-g0f114f56 / streamfx-windows-0.12....
It depends on your Kinect model and version of SteamVR lighthouses. There shouldn't be any issue with SteamVR 2.0 lighthouses, but I've observed some conflicts between Kinectv2 and SteamVR 1.0 lighthouses (KinectV1 was fine, can't tell for KinectV3) ...