本章节以Python 2.7为例,指导您通过API创建FunctionGraph函数和Timer触发器,实现定时从OBS桶中下载文件。API的调用方法请参见如何调用API。已在OBS服务中上传文件,并记录文件名、文件所在的OBS桶名,以及OBS地址的链接。已配置具有OBS服务访问权限的委托,并记录委托名。
(These functions are part of the obspython/obslua modules/namespaces). timer_add(callback, milliseconds) Adds an timer callback which triggers every milliseconds. Note: Using instance methods as callbacks is not supported. Always use module methods. timer_remove(callback) Removes a timer...
OBS crashes when switching scene during a timer_add (Python scripting) Hi, I'm still quite new to scripting for OBS and I'm trying to make a timer for switching scenes for my own purposes in python, since it's the language I'm the most used to. Inside my callback function for the...
pythonapiscreenshottimerexamplectypesfiltershotkeycallbacksobsobs-studioobs-scriptsobs-scriptobs-apiobs-studio-apiobspythonobs-get-source-by-name UpdatedJul 27, 2024 Python Some OBS Studio scripts useful to me (Lua & Python) (((bLaZiNg fAsT pYtHoN sCrIpTs))) ...
Python OBS Studio Scripting Consider cloning this repo and running examples, they are self contained. Tip: you can create a copy of script, rename it, and add to OBS. So two of identical scripts will be run in parallel with separate namespaces. Also check outissuesto report error or have...
On windows, to use Python, Python version 3.6 must be installed separately ("x86-64" version if 64bit OBS Studio, "x86" version if 32bit OBS Studio), and the Python 3.6 install path must be configured in the Python settings tab. Scripting documentation can be found in the developer ...
Cron是一个功能强大的实用程序,用于基于Unix的操作系统(包括Linux)的时间安排工作。 它作为守护进程运行...
一、简介 通过QFile、QDir、QFileInfo和QFileSystemWatcher类简单介绍对文件和目录的一些操作。对文本流和数据流没有太多的介绍,还有一些Qt资源、统一资源定位符、缓冲区...() + tr("目录下的.h文件有:")); ui->listWidget->addItems(myDir.entryList()); // 创建目录,并将其加入到监视器中 ...
本文以Python3.6为例,为您介绍通过控制台创建FunctionGraph函数和Timer触发 器,实现定时将CDN日志转存到OBS. 资源与成本规划 本实践所需资源请见下表. 资源 内容分发网络 CDN 对象存储服务 OBS 函数工作流 FunctionGraph 资源说明 每月费用 流量:用户访问CDN节点产生的流 量,可购买流量包抵扣. 具体的计费方式及标准 ...
然而严格的说,这不是编译器(Compiler)而是解释器(Interpreter)类似的比如Perl、Scheme、Python都只是依赖于解释器。当然Java通过字节码这一中间形式来让代码更紧凑,而字节码又依赖于JVM(Java Virtual Machine),许多JVM实现都包括JIT运行时解释器。还有广为流传的HTML和最火的HTML5,都是这样的运行模式。