Push-to-Talk / Push-to-Mute Settings Push-to-Talk / Push-to-Mute in OBS allows the user to start or stop recording the audio with the press of a button. The audio includes both desktop and microphone audio. If we enable Push-to-talk, the OBS records the computer audio only when you...
Enable Push-to-mute or Push-to-talk for each device (keys configured in the Hotkeys section) Video Base (Canvas) Resolution This is the amount of space you have to fit your sources. You usually want this to match your monitor display resolution, or if you are playing games, the game ...
Set hotkeys for nearly every sort of action, such as switching between scenes, starting/stopping streams or recordings, muting audio sources, push to talk, and more. Studio Modelets you preview your scenes and sources before pushing them live. Adjust your scenes and sources or create new ones...
Basic.Settings.Audio.PushToMuteDelay="按壓時靜音 延遲" Basic.Settings.Audio.EnablePushToTalk="啟用 按壓時說話" Basic.Settings.Audio.PushToTalkDelay="按壓時說話 延遲" Basic.Settings.Audio.UnknownAudioDevice="[設備未連接或不可用]" Basic.Settings.Audio.Disabled="已停用" Basic.Settings.Audio.LowLaten...
Enable Push-to-mute or Push-to-talk for each device (keys configured in the Hotkeys section) Video Base (Canvas) Resolution This is the amount of space you have to fit your sources. You usually want this to match your monitor display resolution, or if you are playing games, the game ...
解决副音频设置的 Push-to-Talk 功能无法正常工作的问题(将麦克风静音时发生) 解决更改录制模式时可能会出现顶部全屏录制控制面板的问题 解决【录制设置】->【音频】界面的显示音量控制相关的的问题 解决其他部分问题 4、 在屏幕录制模式下添加了按键叠加功能。
sd = '"prev_ver":453050371,"private_settings":{},"push-to-mute":false,"push-to-mute-delay":0,"push-to-talk":false,"push-to-talk-delay":0,"settings":' se = '"sync":0,"versioned_id":"image_source","volume":1.0},{"balance":0.5,"deinterlace_field_order":0,"deinterlace_mode"...
解决副音频设置的 Push-to-Talk 功能无法正常工作的问题(将麦克风静音时发生) 解决更改录制模式时可能会出现顶部全屏录制控制面板的问题 解决【录制设置】->【音频】界面的显示音量控制相关的的问题 解决其他部分问题 3、 Bandicam是一款专业的屏幕录像工具,支持录制屏幕、游戏、视频等等,Bandicam录制的视频质量高,体积还...
Noise Removal:use AI to remove background noise from your microphone feed – be it a loud mechanical keyboard or the AC. The AI network can even be used on incoming audio feeds to mute that one friend who won’t turn on push-to-talk. ...
修复了当分配给辅助鼠标按钮时,Linux上的Push to Talk无法正常工作的问题[KasinSparks] 使用NVENC AV1/HEVC [derrod]时固定CBR填充 修复了自动场景切换器无法正确保存设置[PatTheMav] 通过在使用时暂时禁用动态比特率,修复了AMF编码器在流式传输时崩溃的问题[derrod] 在CRF模式下使用Apple VT硬件编码器进行固定录音...