Game capture was impossible for me in borderless or fullscreen for vulkan (it didn't even show image), I'm not going to try with windowed as no one uses that. Don't bother about DXGI, as it is really bad for gaming because it consumes some resources from the GPU (...
Window Capture capturing every window, not specific window. So I'm trying to capture a game that doesn't have fullscreen built-in, so I can't use Game Capture. So I tried using Window Capture! But the thing is, once I picked my game and selected "Window Title Must Match", but it...
CS2 game capture not working Hi when capturing my CS2 game on OBS it worked up until I checked yesterday, August 4th, and I got a new issue popping up in the properties of the Game Capture. It says CS 2 may require the -allow_third_party_software launch option to use Game Capture an...
Cap FPS in-game, run the game in Borderless Windowed mode, reduce game graphics or resolution, or turn V-Sync on. Run all assets at 1080p. To do that, double click on the source in OBS and under Resolution select Custom and specify a resolution equal or under 1080p. ...
Output FPS: 60 - Essential for capturing fast-paced game action. Video Bitrate: 5000-8000 Kbps for 1080p; consider 12000-24000 Kbps for 4K. Encoder: NVENC if you have a supported Nvidia GPU; otherwise, x264. Audio Bitrate: 160 Kbps to capture both game sounds and commentary clearly. ...
Display Capture may be used as a source for screencasting several windows if you're not happy with simply capturing a single window. ● Go to the "Sources" box in OBS Studio after you've opened the program. Once you've arrived, click the OK button. You may open a pop-up menu by ...
OBS Game Capture doesn't work. With Windowed Mode enabled you can use OBS windows capture. DDRAWCompat Game does not work at all.6. Next you have to set in-game resolution. The bigger resolution you are using, the smaller in game HUD you will have. You cannot change HUD size separatel...
Note: Currently may not work with Rainbow 6 Siege until the game is updated to support the new hook Added a new capture method to window capture which allows capturing browsers, browser-based windows, and Microsoft Store (UWP) programs [jpark37] By default, it will use "Automatic", whi...
Game capture was impossible for me in borderless or fullscreen for vulkan (it didn't even show image), I'm not going to try with windowed as no one uses that. Don't bother about DXGI, as it is really bad for gaming because it consumes some resources from...
Cap FPS in-game, run the game in Borderless Windowed mode, reduce game graphics or resolution, or turn V-Sync on. Run all assets at 1080p. To do that, double click on the source in OBS and under Resolution select Custom and specify a resolution equal or under 1080p. ...