OBS Recording Lags, but Game Doesn’t? When you play a game on your computer, the resources are primarily allocated to ensure the game runs smoothly. However, when you add a recording or streaming software like OBS into the mix, there’s now an additional demand on the system’s resources...
lagissuesobs crash game Replies: 1 Forum:Windows Support D Why Does recorded game footage has fps drops and lags when using CQP? I record Resident Evil 4 remake in 1440p 60 fps, the game runs smoothly while recording and I believe OBS too. But in final recorded videos sometimes there ar...
OBS lags my pc when open at random https://obsproject.com/logs/UiCUMBu71HyCA4T2 My entire pc will lag sometimes when obs is open and not focused on. It stops lagging if it is minimized or in behind another window. Sometimes it will lag even when the window is focused. It happens ...
This is the area that proves to be a fort for Dell. The company has always focused on installing the best hardware components on its laptops. There is no competition from Dell under the hood. You can find both budget-friendly and feature-friendly combinations from the brand. For those of ...
Game Plays Fine but OBS Preview Lags? Here is my log file: https://obsproject.com/logs/BHfzugt71c1QDfay I'm new to OBS (currently using SLOBS but I want to try a new program). I'm having trouble streaming some more beefy games like Apex Legends, for example. The game runs and ...
Stream lags (fps drops) but bit rate and in-game fps are stable When watch my VOD's I notice that sometimes the fps drops exactly to 19 (you can see it in the video stats of the twitch player). In game everything looks fine, I even use MSI after burner, and the in-game FPS ...
I created an account for this reason only, I started streaming on twitch about a month ago. I started streaming IDV but when I try to stream other games the stream lags and ends. I followed a few guides on how to fix it, now I can start the games but it lags a lot. My game do...
I've tried so many fixes and can't seem to get this working, it records without lags no doubt about that, but I feel it should be a lot sharper than this and don't seem to know why. here is a recording I uploaded here on one drive. https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ahc9WZiobm0zgm4h...
New to streaming via OBS. I have seen a few concerns: - In my "Starting Soon" screen, I have a 6 sec video on loop since it's an animated screen. Problem: When it is running, everything else lags (YT videos, Audio, Game Audio) If paused, it's fine but I don't want static...
Problem with window capture when the window is not focused Just an observation: im not a Native American so my english can be... very curious. So, the problem is,im trying to make a record while i do other stuff, but, the screen that is recording (a youtube video) freezes when is...