部分键盘: http://localhost:5001/default-keyboard.html 全键盘:http://localhost:5001/keyboard-full.html 默认鼠标:http://localhost:5001/default-mouse.html 鼠标移动速度:http://localhost:5001/mouse-speed.html 鼠标移动:http://localhost:5001/mouse-movement.html Flicks:(http://localhost:5001/mouse-flic...
Input Overlayv5.0.5 Input Overlay is a plugin for obs studio that shows keyboard, mouse and gamepad inputs on stream. It adds a new source for visualizing inputs. How does it work? The plugin uses a texture and a config file to create the overlay. This means that you can configure wh...
Input Overlay is a plugin for obs studio that shows keyboard, mouse and gamepad inputs on stream. It adds a new source for visualizing inputs. How does it work? The plugin uses a texture and a config file to create the overlay. This means that you can configure which buttons are shown...
Show keyboard, mouse and gamepad input on stream. Available for OBS Studio 19.0.3+ on windows (32bit/64bit) and linux (64bit). Head over toreleasesfor binaries. Wiki Installation Please follow the install guide closely before asking questions about the installation. Always download the latest ...
pluginkeyboardinputoverlayobs UpdatedJan 31, 2025 C++ locaal-ai/obs-backgroundremoval Star3.1k Code Issues Pull requests Discussions An OBS plugin for removing background in portrait images (video), making it easy to replace the background when recording or streaming. ...
(1)点击选中屏幕显示框,按住键盘上的alt同时拖动边框上的小方块就可以实现区域截取。 (2)右击鼠标打开菜单,选择“调整输出大小(到源大小)” 3、如何录制键盘 OBS插件-Input Overlay安装与使用_哔哩哔哩_bilibili 下载 GitHub - univrsal/input-overlay: Show keyboard, gamepad and mouse input on stream ...
This project is a plugin for live streaming that displays keyboard presses, mouse movements, and game controller button actions, suitable for OBS streaming software on Windows and Linux. It can be used in scenarios such as gaming live streams and educati
Browse filesBrowse the repository at this point in the history …on 26.1.0 Aaron Boxer (3): obs-ffmpeg: Expose ffmpeg_data_init and ffmpeg_data_free methods obs-ffmpeg: Add new ffmpeg-encoded-output UI: Use new ffmpeg-encoded-output for non-RTMP urls Afriza N. Arief (1): Decklink: Fi...
在如今的数字时代,直播和视频录制已经成为了众多内容创作者的日常需求。无论是直播游戏、在线教学,还是进行专业的会议录制,OBS Studio 都是一个不可或缺的工具。作为一款免费的开源软件,OBS Studio 不仅功能强大,而且易于使用,广泛应用于直播、录制和音视频处理等领域。
fn_01 db " keyboard Input With Echo " fn_02 db " Display Output " fn_03 db " Auxiliary Input " fn_04 db " Auxiliary Output " fn_05 db " Printer Output " fn_06 db " Display Console I/O " fn_07 db " Direct STDIN Input " ...