I followed the advice of a thread posted here a few years ago and I just couldn't get any audio to play through OBS using an Elgato Capture Device. I've disabled and uninstalled the driver multiple times but there's still no audio playing through OBS. This is the USB Elgato device tha...
obs获取ps4的音..无论是studio还是classic都出现这种情况,网上的那个勾上cfr照样没有用,是采集卡的问题还是设置问题,顺便说一下采集卡是美乐威USB Capture HDMI没人知道么
No audio from video capture device when used in OBS I have a Matrox MXO2 Mini MAX. I'm using the latest version of the drivers/software downloaded directly from Matrox's website. It's configured to use the HDMI input for both video and audio. Through other apps on my computer, it wil...
I have the PS4 connected into the IN HDMI port... Versacepapi Thread Aug 12, 2021 elgato elgato audio Replies: 0 Forum: Windows Support G Audio Static after Windows 10 Update Hi, I just updated Windows 10 last night and now my Video Capture Device (Elgato) is playing through ...
Current: - OBS - 27.2.3 (64 Bit) (SE.live - latest) - WIN Capture Audio - 2.2.3 - Beta (to separate audio tracks) Used older version - Unknown. I... ckmacxo Thread Aug 12, 2022 audio no audio obs 27.2.3 Replies: 3 Forum: Windows Support...
OBS for capturing picture from a TV screen. I plugged a noname grabber into my LG Smart TV through an HDMI cable, as it should be done. I added a video capture device (USB3.0 Capture). With these thing done, I see nothing in a preview and a recording contains no... ...
audioapplicationcaptureaudiointerfacechoppyaudiostutteringstutteringaudio Replies: 1 Forum:Windows Support Extremely disruptive audio issues I have no idea what is causing this, but it started when streaming Bioshock Infinite, and it suddenly cropped up with a game that used to be fine, Tales of Vesp...
capture card audioelgatohd60s+obs sound issuexbox one Replies: 1 Forum:Windows Support T OBS lagging while using Elgato HD 60 S+ Hi! I've used OBS with a no-name capture card to stream on twitch and when I watch the stream it was extremely smooth, however, ever since I bought the ...
OK so to be clear I got a capture card so I could record gameplay, but I can't figure out the problem with one thing, how do I get obs to record only audio and video from my switch but not my computers mic, it's driving me crazy. I have everything on the switches end done ...
Audio issues when capturing Wii in OBS Hello, First of all, you can find my log file attached to the thread. I am currently having issues with trying to capture audio properly from my Wii when playing Mega Man 10 in particular. I use a cheap Wii 2 HDMI for my Wii which outputs to...