When OBS is removed, restart your computer and download the latest version of OBS from its official website. Next, install the app on your system to check if the “Failed to initialize video” error is fixed. Why is OBS Studio not working? IfOBS Studio is not working on your PC, the ...
OBS_STATUS_FailedToIInitializeRequest 初始化请求失败。 OBS_STATUS_ConnectionFailed 网络连接失败。 OBS_STATUS_XmlParseFailure xml解析失败。 OBS_STATUS_NameLookupError 域名解析失败。 OBS_STATUS_FailedToConnect 无法连接到服务端。 OBS_STATUS_PartialFile 网络传输。 OBS_STATUS_InvalidParameter 参数非法。 OBS_...
OBS_STATUS_FailedToIInitializeRequest 初始化请求失败。 OBS_STATUS_ConnectionFailed 网络连接失败。 OBS_STATUS_XmlParseFailure xml解析失败。 OBS_STATUS_NameLookupError 域名解析失败。 OBS_STATUS_FailedToConnect 无法连接到服务端。 OBS_STATUS_PartialFile 网络传输。 OBS_STATUS_InvalidParameter 参数非法。 OBS_...
22:06:16.216: Failed to initialize module 'enc-amf.dll'22:06:17.026: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/libcef.dll' not found, loading of module failed22:06:17.059: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/...
In a few rare cases when trying to launch OBS on older hardware that did not support the minimum requirements for OBS, it would simply crash at startup instead of providing the proper "Failed to initialize video" message that has a better explanation for the user on what the issue was. ...
warning: Failed to initialize module 'obs-ndi.so' info: --- info: Loaded Modules: info: text-freetype2.so info: rtmp-services.so info: obs-x264.so info: obs-websocket.so info: obs-vst.so info: obs-transitions.so info: obs-outputs.so info: obs-libfdk.so info: obs-filters.so ...
I just recently downloaded the latest build of the Multiplatform OBS and whenever I open it I get the message: "failed to initialize video: Unspecified error" and then crashes. Can anyone help me out? Thanks Darragh dodgepong Administrator Community Helper Jan 7, 2015 #2 Please include you...
If authentication is required and theIdentifymessage data does not contain anauthenticationstring, or the string is not correct, the connection is closed withWebSocketCloseCode::AuthenticationFailed If the client has requested anrpcVersionwhich the server cannot use, the connection is closed withWebSocket...
Failed: Any of the conditions above are not met, indicating the oam-gaussdb service is abnormal. 210 Checking the 1. Use PuTTY to log in to any OBS OAM node as the 004 oam-u- dfvmanager user. manager 2. Run the following command to switch to the root user: service su - root...
Object Storage Service 3.0 (OBS)Tool Guide (obsutil) 3 Getting StartedConfiguration Method Run the config command to initialize obsutil. For details about the config command, see Updating a Configuration File. The following is an example: