Failed to connect Could not access the specified channel or stream key, please double-check your stream key. If it is correct, there may be a problem connecting to the server. Here is everything I've tried so far: 1) turning my pc and internet off 2) switching servers 3) disconnecting...
Failed to connect ONLY to Miami Servers Hello, I've been using OBS to stream for 2 years now and I've always connected to Miami, Twitch Servers. But recently I've been getting this error: The connection timed out. Try a different server, or check that the connection is not being block...
OBS Data Source Connection Failed Updated on2022-02-21 GMT+08:00 View PDF Share Cause Analysis The possible causes are as follows: The data source address is not set to the endpoint address. The AK/SK and bucket name are incorrect.
标题:连接到服务器,无法连接到(local)。在与 SQL Server 建立连接时出现与网络相关的或特定于实例的错误。未找到或无法访问服务器。请验证实例名称是否正确并且 SQL Server 已配置为允许远程连接。 (provider: 命名管道提供程序, error: 40 -无法打开到 SQL Server 的连接) (Microsoft SQL Server,错误: 2)检查SQ...
1回答 ESP8266无法通过亚马逊网络服务IoT核心接收消息 、、、 我正在使用每个this example的PubSubClient连接到亚马逊网络服务IoT。连接建立正确,CloudWatch日志显示成功的Connect、Subscribe、Publish-In和Publish-Out事件。但是,只要MCU收到消息,它就会断开连接。怎么回事? 浏览23提问于2020-08-17得票数 0 点击...
Create a Smart Connect task to dump Kafka instance data to OBS for message data backup.Data in the source Kafka instance is synchronized to the dumping file in real time.
(obs:10898): dbind-WARNING **: 11:02:39.826: Couldn't connect to accessibility bus: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-AkqznW3ImE: No such file or directory Attempted path: share/obs/obs-studio/locale/en-US.ini Attempted path: /usr/share/obs/obs-studio/locale/en-US.ini Attempted...
curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 443: Connection refused 可替换以下命令/bin/zsh -c "$(curl -fsSL HomebrewCN/ raw/master/" 安装Nginx $ brew tap homebrew/nginx
// A complete exampletry{const{obsWebSocketVersion,negotiatedRpcVersion}=awaitobs.connect('ws://','password',{rpcVersion:1});console.log(`Connected to server${obsWebSocketVersion}(using RPC${negotiatedRpcVersion})`)}catch(error){console.error('Failed to connect',error.code,...
连接建立正确,CloudWatch日志显示成功的Connect、Subscribe、Publish-In和Publish-Out事件。但是,只要MCU收到消息,它就会断开连接。怎么回事? 浏览23提问于2020-08-17得票数 0 1回答 如何在异步编程中立即中止连接? 、、 = new ObjectState(); obs.client = WebHabor; //尝试连接ip超时; obs.obj = this 浏览4...