Old OBS Studio versions download [v28.0.2] OBS Studio 32-bit Windows Installer Antivirus 0 / 15 Version 28.0.2 Size 117 MB File Signature [v28.0.2] OBS Studio 32-bit Windows Portable 0 / 15 28.0.2 140.2 MB Signature [v28.0.2] OBS Studio macOS Installer 0 / 15 ...
Free Download OBS Studio (64-bit) December, 7th 2024- 148.95 MB -Open Source Security Status Review Screenshots Change Log Old Versions Download OBS Studio 31.0.0 (64-bit) Date released: 07 Dec 2024 (one month ago) Download OBS Studio 30.2.3 (64-bit) ...
Old Versions Latest Version OBS Studio 27.2.4 (32-bit)LATEST Review by Sophia Jones Operating System Windows 8 / Windows 10 User Rating Click to vote Author / Product OBS Team/External Link OBS Studiois a free and open-source software forvideo recordingand live streaming. Download andstart st...
If the app closes without locking up, your old scene collection warrants closer scrutiny, as some item might deadlock the app (e.g. the FUJIFILM Webcam). Author gregoryfischer commented Oct 8, 2022 Nice work! It was indeed OBS having a conflict with the Fujifilm Webcam 2 as a video ...
I am using a Canon 550D connected to my Mac via HDMI Video capture. Since it is an old camera, it turns off every 30mins. When that happens, it shows the Color Bars as my video feed. It is a little embarrassing when used during live video chats and meetings. Is there a way to ...
I downloaded OBS version 22.0.2 for Windows 8.1 and ran it and it came to the set up. It says it will guide me through the installation and i'm able to click next. Once I click next it says i'm missing runtime components and asks if i want to download them. I clicked yes and...
Old version of OBS not starting with new version of obs-linuxbrowser installed Using obs-linuxbrowser with an older OBS version than the one which has been used for compilation makes OBS break. Compile obs-linuxbrowser with the same OBS version you are going to use for streaming/recording or...
Maybe it is just because your hardware is too old to handle simultaneous streaming and gaming: successful game/video recording and streaming necessitate a capable processor with 6 or 8 cores, such as an Intel i5 or i7 from the 7th to 9th generation or a mid-range AMD processor like the 37...
Version31.0.1 Download(196.7 MB) Write a detailed review aboutOBS Studio 5.0 (9Reviews ofOBS Studio) Comments User Ratings Naoh Aug 16 2024 30.2.2 0.0 OBS 30.2.3 was just released. Naoh Jul 25 2024 30.2.2 0.0 There is a known issue with the virtual camera feature in recent versions of...
If the restart doesn’t help your case, it also can’t hurt to make sure your OBS is updated to the latest version. Running an old version of OBS can lead to performance issues, so if you want to ensure that your OBS is operating to the best of its abilities, it will need to be...