it’s not immune to bugs. Some users complains the desktop audio stopped working or recording in OBS for no reason. If you encounter the same problem, don’t worry. We’ve covered 6 effective fixes to help you solve the problem.
Desktop Audio not Working since Update Updated to 27.2 on my windows 8.1 pc, and now I have no detection/recording of my desktop audio. All my settings are the same as they were before the update, I have searched for an answer and nothing I have found worked. I have uninstalled/reinstal...
audiobugsdesktopaudioissuesdesktopaudionot workingdesktopaudioproblem Replies: 4 Forum:Linux Support Ruidos molestos cuando separo las fuentes de audio. Audio bugs when I separate audio sources. Hola familia! Me pasa en esta última versión de OBS que cuando separo el audio del micro, aplicaciones...
cannot initialize desktop audio sound 只看楼主 收藏 回复 尘世美vs素颜 托儿所 1 有大神吗? 这种问题怎么解决啊! 跪求!不甚感激! 守望先锋者 小吧主 15 1.directx修复工具修复2.更新显卡 主板 声卡驱动3.obs音效设置,播放声音的设备,麦克风设备,别选错,要和你的声卡设置一致,不会的就多远几次实验...
While using OBS studio for recording or streaming, sometimes you’re faceted with an OBS camera not working problem. To tackle this, here’s a detailed guide. Learn more.
Base (Canvas) Resolution: Set the resolution you normally play at. That is, your desktop resolution (if you play in borderless mode), or the game resolution you normally use (if you play in full screen). Output (Scaled) Resolution: Enter the resolution appropriate for your Upload Speed and...
Toggle visibility of scene items (like desktop capture etc.) Change the volume of your current audio sources (or mute them) View any Twitch and YouTube chats and write messages See live statistics of your stream and recording performance (FPS, CPU usage, kbit/s etc.) ...
As mentioned, this is not a problem in OBS but in these (not nvidia supported, and not anyone supported considering its age) drivers. OBS is not doing anything naughty with the VA-API so there is nothing we can do short of making life worse for users with working drivers. ...
viewer [WizardCM]Fixed font scaling in the audio mixer [OldBaldGeek]Fixed hotkeys not working when OBS...Note: To use hotkeys while OBS is out of focus, it requires "Accessibility" permissions [tbodt/gxalpha.../PatTheMav]Fixed hotkeys with modifiers not working on macOS [PatTheMav]...
you can try a much more e1asy-to-use screen recorder,FonePaw Screen Recorder, which can start the recording of desktop, applications, games on PC/Mac in one click. its powerful features enable it to record both PC screen as well as the webcam, system/microphone audio and save a video ...