Hello obs folks, I recently recorded a long 2 hour video from my desktop and noticed that the audio was getting more and more delayed over time. I did some searching on google and most people are having this issue with capture cards and mics but not desktop audio. My audio sample rate ...
4)Scroll to Global Audio Devices and make sure you’ve selected the actual device you’re using forDesktop AudioandMic/Auxiliary Audio. Now that you’ve made the tweaks, see if OBS desktop audio works the right way. If the no audio issue persists, keep reading to find out more solutions...
Do you need help recording your desktop audio but are not getting competent software to help fix your problem? Well, you are in luck as we will tell you how to record desktop audio with OBS and an alternative if OBS fails to work correctly.
have searched everywhere i possibly can to find the answer, and nothing works. I have tried separating the mic from desktop audio, but i have no device to get audio from is what it keeps telling me. When i go into audio settings to change the desktop audio the only option is disabled....
Removed default desktop audio device on macOS 13+ [jcm93] Removed NVIDIA Kepler GPU support for NVENC [derrod] Removed FTL support [derrod] Removed legacy migrations from OBS Studio 28.1 and earlier [derrod] If updating from these older versions, you may wish to update to OBS Studio 30.2...
Basic.Settings.Audio.MultichannelWarning.Title="是否啟用環繞聲音訊?" Basic.Settings.Audio.MultichannelWarning.Confirm="確實要啟用環繞聲音訊嗎?" Basic.Settings.Audio.Devices="全域音訊裝置" Basic.Settings.Audio.DesktopDevice="桌面音效" Basic.Settings.Audio.DesktopDevice2="桌面音效 2" Basic.Settings.Audio...
Base (Canvas) Resolution: Set the resolution you normally play at. That is, your desktop resolution (if you play in borderless mode), or the game resolution you normally use (if you play in full screen). Output (Scaled) Resolution: Enter the resolution appropriate for your Upload Speed and...
freetype2.so /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/obs-scripting/_obspython.so /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/obs-scripting/obslua.so /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/obs-scripting/obspython.py /usr/share/applications/com.obsproject.Studio.desktop /usr/share/doc/obs-studio/README.Debian /usr/share/doc/...
#define CaptureWindowID "window_capture" using namespace std; enum AudioChannels{ kChannelTransitions = 0, //淡入淡出 kChannelOutput, //桌面音频输出1 kChannelOutput2, //桌面音频输出2 kChannelInput, //麦克风输入1 kChannelInput2, //麦克风输入2 ...
Game Capture on Linux 1 Add microphone status in the preview mode Now the window projectiong preview mode can only show videos, but the status of microphone is not provided. I suggest to supplement this function. Add ability to record higher quality audio ...